Chapter 2

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I grab my gloves and keys , and call Alec over,

" we're going to find him"

"Do I have to sit on the back seat again?" Alec whines

"Yes , my motorbike, my rules"

"Ughh" he groans, elbowing me in the process, I turn to face him and catch hold in his eyes, and pause for a second. MAX SNAP OUT OF IT, my brain whips me back into shape. But his eyes are so magnetic. NO I can't let him distract me from the task at hand, so I click my keys into the bike, and start it up.

"Too slow!" Alec chimes, as he swings his leg over the bike and sits on the driving seat.

"Right, get in your place Alec , don't make me push you"

He shuffles back about an inch, forcing me to get on the bike with little room to move, I swing my leg over the bike, making sure to kick him slightly in the process.

"What was that for? He shouts , annoyed yet seemingly happy to have had some physical contact with a woman. Unfortunately there was a bit more than I hoped for, as he hardly moved a muscle to accommodate for me to sit on the seat. So half of me was perched on him.

"Move back or we will crash Alec , please move back"

"Alright...if you say so" he whines in a sassy tone, as he shuffles himself back onto the seat I originally told him to sit on.

"Finally, let's get going"

We leave the security of the shed, in order to find Lydecker, which always feels weird, considering he caused so many children , including me and Alec so much trauma. However , ever since the fire in mantecore and the downfall of his evil counterpart, he seems to have changed for the better. Seeing one of his "children" be killed by someone he though was perusing the same passion as him, must have really got to him. I can't say I feel much sympathy for the man, but you've got to give the man some credit.

We drive along the tattered streets, which look like they haven't been repaired since before the pulse, on the look out for lydecker as well as any possible danger that could come out way. The street started to narrow and the trees closed in. We were taught in mantecore that anywhere can be a hiding place, for anything and anyone, so as we reached the secluded area...tension was high.

"Should we start a search?" whispers Alec

"Yeah, hop off", we both hop off the bike as I turn the engine off. And we start our search for the only man we need right now. I walk into the wood covered undergrowth closely followed by Alec. The sound of a 6,1 man behind you, certainly hinders your ability to keep guard and actually listen for any other signs of life other than a clumsy, mushy brained idiot.

We clamber over branches and trek through thistles, until we reach a clearing in the trees. By this time dusk had started to fall, we turn around to see liedecker standing amongst the trees, still and calm. Something seems off...

Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now