Chapter 6

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"Let's just say it took a rather long time to get here, and security may be on their way right"


Security guards come barricading through the doors into the corridor, armed with rifles and smoke bombs. So we take off, but Logan stays still.

"LOGAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THEY'RE COMING" I scream down the hall, he just stares blankly back at me. Then it hits me...he tried to get us caught for escaping, by helping us and then calling the guards. My eyes well up, and tears start falling down my face as I take one last glance back at Logan. His eyes felt like needles piecing into my heart, how could he do this? After all we've been through, I still had slight faith that our relationship would rebuild. That's been shattered now I guess.

I clutch at Alec's shoulder as I try to catch up with him, I swiftly wipe my tears from my eyes and I continue running. We crash down stairs and burst through doorways until we realise we are getting into a whole new level of escapism. We were pretty much surrounded by guards in all perimeters of the building.

Shots were being fired , smoke bombs were being triggered. We dive and dodge our way to tunnel, which we believe should take us out of this armed area. But as we walk in we see a figure appear, it was hard to make out at first due to the smoke and dust that had blown into the tunnel, but surely enough we could make out a woman's figure. The closer we got the more I realised that it was an X5 , one we've encountered before, and not in a very nice manner. It was Brynn. She is one of Lydecker's pride and joys, she works for him.

"This isn't too good Alec" I say nervously, we've had issues with Brynn before so there was plenty of reasons to be anxious.

"Hey there X5-452 and X5-494 didn't know you two were a thing, what are you doing here?" Brynn enquires.

"Well-" I start

"Yeah, just a cheeky stay over from us, nothing major Brynn, just leaving now..." Alec interrupts

"STOP" she states, as she pushes her arm out to stop us from walking by, I know who brought you here, and I know you've escaped. But I'll let you go on one condition.

"Ok what?" We both ask

"You never, ever try to come back here, to me, to logan or to lydecker, your virus will never be cured, there's no point" Brynn explains

I hesitate for a moment contemplating about what to say and do. Logan did just betray us big time, but he's the only person I've ever trusted, and he knows that. So why would he break that trust?

"Fine, deal" I say firmly, I push Brynn's hand away and we continue our journey through the dark and foggy tunnel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now