Chapter 5

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This situation can't last long, whatever lydecker is planning won't be good for us or any of the previous mantecore kids. We've escaped once before, why does he think we won't do it again?

"I'm tired of being hunted by lydecker, I can't be bothered for this" huffed Alec

"Well there's no time to be tired, get your lazy ass up off the floor and let's figure out a plan"

"I am thinking of one" he snaps

"Your talking.."
"I can multitask" he chimes

"I highly doubt that" I hiss back, his ego is wayyy out of control, he needs some sense knocked into him, because at this rate we will be staying in this cell for a while.

I grab the bars of the cell, and peer through them into the corridor. I've never seen this place before, it certainly isn't mantecore because we got rid of that. But it's awfully similar. Alec grasps at the bars, yanking himself up from the mattress.

"Well, if the bars are strong enough to hold you, then we have no chance of breaking through" I tell him.

"Was that really necessary max? I know you wish you had my muscles"

I mean he is built, but we both received the same training back in mantecore, however I clearly have more common sense, and I can multitask. He gets distracted as easy as a cat with a ball of string.

He also peers through the bars, staring blankly down the corridor. Then he whips his head back through, clutches my arm and drags me back onto the mattress.

"What was that for?! I shout"

"SHH be quiet" he whispers aggressively, "there's someone coming, pretend to still be drugged".

I do as he says and lay back down, then suddenly I feel an arm wrap round me once again.

"Alec, what do you think you're doing?" I whisper

"Making it look like we never woke up, stop being so defensive max" he says firmly

Ugh , I guess thats a better plan then just laying separately.

The footsteps drew closer and closer, the clicking of the persons shoe against the cold concrete floor drew louder, out of the corner of my eye I watched precariously to try to observe the person. Was it lydecker? Guards?

I continue to gaze between the bars while trying to look as convincing as possible, then they appeared. All I could see was some tan, loosely laced boots, they looked awfully familiar.

I take a quick glance up, to see Logan of all people standing outside the cell!

"LOGAN!" I exclaim , as I jump up from the floor, pushing Alec's arm from around my waist.

"Looks like I was interrupting something" he says, staring down at alec through the bars.

"No it's not what it looks like Logan, you don't know the reas-"
"It's fine, do you want to get out or not? He asks while passing the keys to the door through the bars.

"Yes of course" I say, quite confused to as how Logan managed to locate us, let alone get into rescue us.

I quickly undo the lock, and open the door to the cell. Alec closely follows, yet to say a word to Logan.

"So...Alec this is Logan, Logan this is Alec" I don't think the introduction could've been any more awkward, especially considering Logan just saw me and Alec in a bed with Alec's arm around me...could've gone better!

"How did you find us here?" Alec asks, "I presume you have some psychic locating power?"

"Unfortunately not, but I do have an awful lot of connections, and eyes all over the state." Logan replies

"All this introduction and getting to know each other is lovely, but where are we Logan?" I ask, seen as we are standing talking in a corridor which could be ambushed any minute.

Logan sighs "Well.."

Clouded vision (Max + Alec) dark angel FFWhere stories live. Discover now