The Party & The After Party

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"Hi, you," a sweet voice purred in your ear followed by arms wrapping around your waist.

"Hey," you replied unable to help but lean back into his embrace. This evening was
filled with emotion as you and Michael had just returned from a visit to a children's hospital. You never had the opportunity to share this moment with your husband and honestly it couldn't have gone better.

As soon as you arrived, you were welcomed with flowers, drawings, letters and the most moving moment, especially for Michael, was when all the children started singing his famous track Heal The World. Each of their conditions wrought you hearts but when chattering sadly with one of the nurses you learned of a little boy having AIDS, you rubbed Michael's back knowing that it reminded him of Ryan White's tragic fate.

After that, you were invited by an Italian Michelin-starred chef based in Pennsylvania where you ate the best truffle risotto of your life. You had enjoyed your evening because you had a breathtaking view of the city at night and, like every time you would go out, you and Michael kept giggling, teasing each other and very quickly the one who was not the affectionate type in public couldn't keep his hands to himself.

So you—no longer able to resist the temptation—decided to head back to your hotel room earlier than expected.

You took off your earrings before meeting the chocolate eyes of your beau in the bathroom mirror. You found him achingly beautiful, he had a ethereal beauty typical of sculptures of Greek gods. His loose hair tickled your neck and his voice laced in rasp because of his arousal as he whispered salacious things into your ear. His eyelids closed and fluttered when you arched your back so you could feel his bulge.

"Get on your knees," he demanded, his voice deeper than usual.

Your chest began to heave as he unbuckled his belt. He unzipped his pants and let them slide down his legs. With one hand, he pumped his cock, precum oozing from his tip. "Open your mouth wide for me, baby."

You complied, mouth dropping open, and he guided himself in.

Looking up at him, wetness pooled in your panties. He looked powerful, his cheeks flushed, his pupils blown black with desire, his mouth popping open as you flattened your tongue, running it from the base to the tip, to cap it all with a wet swirl. His hands wraps tightly through your locks to draw your head away, a frown of confusion appeared on your face.

Your eyes widened as Michael slapped his cock against your face. This gesture was as humiliating as exciting. No one would suspect that the King of Pop would be so kinky. Then he fed his head all the way into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. Taken aback, you sputtered and gagged around him, his hands clasping your hair holding you still, your eyes stinging in tears.

He pulled out, strings of saliva clinging to his dick. He looked down at you, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, proud of his work. Your mascara had smeared under your eyes, drool was dripping from your chin and your cheeks turned red.

"My God you're beautiful like that," he praised. "I love when you're submissive and take me like the goddess you are."

Michael tapped his swollen tip on your lips and you clamped them down on him, looking up at him with innocent, wide eyes. He pushed in and out, slowly at first, feeding you a little more with each thrust, his length sliding down your throat, filling you in a way you never imagined conceivable. His eyes drifted closed and his lashed were fluttering at the warmth of your mouth.

When he opened them, he looked down at you. "If it's too hard slap my leg, okay?" You nodded, preparing yourself physically. You had just enough time to relax your throat before he began to fuck your face unrelentingly, yanking at your hair—not too hard, but not to gentle either—and continued pushing your head down on his cock.

He pulled out enough to let you breath and loosened his grip to stroke gently your head before sliding in once again. Tears streamed down your face, drool dribbling out of your mouth, croaks and moans coming from you, but you relished the pleasure of feeling so small yet also like you were the eighth wonder of the world.

His pace quicken and his body began to tense, his legs buckled, and he tightened his hold around your ripples, stilling you. He sucked his lip between his teeth, his eyes drifting close. The guttural growl that emanated from him as his salty cum hit the back of your throat almost made you come undone.

One of the sexiest things you had ever seen was when Michael was coming apart, and you gazed upon him through wet lashes. Finally, he pulled himself out and watched you gulping down his seed.

He pulled you up, ran his fingers through your hair and flipped you over so you could see your reflection in the mirror. You analyzed his every move from the moment he undressed himself completely to he bunched up your dress around her waist. The way he ogled your ass—and let out a hum of contentment at your high-cut underwear had your thighs quivering with need.

His long fingers glided down your thighs until he palmed your crotch, your arousal felt through the fabric. "You already so wet for me, baby?" he asked rhetorically. "Having me balls deep in your mouth turned you on, huh?"

You couldn't form a correct sentence and just whine in response. When his fingers began to circle your sensitive bud, your eyes rolled back to the tingling of pleasure that spread throughout your body. It only took him a few seconds before he slipped his hand—the coldness of his wedding ring against your warm skin made you shiver—into your thong. But before he could feel your wetness, you caught his hand and halted his movement.

"Please no foreplay just fuck me," you pleaded.

Michael, no longer able to contain his insatiable desire, pulled down your thong to your ankles and pumped his shaft to get hard once again, the sight of your round ass and your glistening pussy made it easy. Then lined himself up to your entrance and pushed into you, you cried out at the sensation of being filled.

You gripped the edge of the sink so tightly that your knuckles were turning white as he thrusted into you again and again, neither had looked away from each other through the mirror.

The obscene sounds of the singer in the hollow of your ear made the heat in your belly growing more and more. He snapped his hips in a way that permit him to hit the sensitive spot inside of you. Your eyes rolled back and a high-pitched moan escaped from your lips, echoing in the bathroom, and the way he kept plowing into you made you run towards the edge.

With one hand, he slid the straps of her dress down your arms to free one of your breast, then he kneaded the soft flesh, your hand joined his over your nipples and moved them vigorously. Michael was nuts about your fuller tits from your last pregnancy.

Your head fell back on his shoulder and he inclined your head so you could kiss roughly, tongues intertwining together. Michael took ahold of your hair and stilled your head back, your mouth gasped open at the stinging on your scalp, but you continued singing your moans in the air.

His other hand worked on your clit furiously and after only a few seconds that pushed you over the edge. You clung both the sink and your husband's hand between your legs as your orgasm hit you like a hurricane, your walls squeezing his length and your legs shaking like crazy.

Slumping your body down on the counter, you tried to catch your breath, but Michael continued to ram inside you to also reach his peak. His thrusts became more and more irregular and it didn't take long before he twitched, but when he was about to come he pulled out. Pumping his dick with his hand, eyebrows knitted in concentration, he finished on your ass. Hot spurts dropped down your behind to your swollen lips and he smeared his semen all over your entrance with his tip, claiming you as his.

"Mine all mine," he breathed as he emptied himself completely on your pussy before smacking your butt hard.

Michael's sweaty forehead rested on your shoulder as he resumed a steady breathing pattern. You reached behind to run your fingers through his jet black curls, a purr of ease emanating from him. Both of you had a weakness for the caresses in the hair, it brought you into a bubble of calm and serenity after a passionate night like this.

He kissed your shoulder and whispered tiredly in your ear. "Let's have a shower."

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