Man In The Mirror

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Outside the bedroom window, the waves roared in a tempest's rage. Torrent after torrent, the sea unleashed brutal tentacles onto the salty rocks in a keen as heavy patter of rain began to hit the glass.

You and Michael decided to rent a mansion in Jamaica for just the two of you, entrusting your children to La Toya. Today you planned to go to the local market and buy some local produce before having a picnic by the sea, but all your projects fizzled out by the country's unpredictable weather.

Despite the thunderstorm, the air was oppressive and humid, your dress clinging to your perspiring skin, so you decided to take it off and lay on the bed in just your bikini bottoms. You reached for the novel on your nightstand and opened it where the bookmark would take you back to the last page you had read.

You enjoyed the soothing sound of the thundershower in the background instead of children wailing. Since the birth of your first child five years ago, you had no longer been able to go on vacation alone with your husband, since he was on tour, and you also had to take care of your second child, a year later, in his absence. The last one was the most difficult; he was a mama's boy, so you couldn't anything without him getting in your way or screaming whenever you left him, even with his father.

Although you loved your children more than anything else in the world, when Michael surprised you with a couple getaway, you couldn't have been happier.

"I'm bored," your husband whined, dragging his feet to the bed before slumping down flat on his stomach. You observed him, noticing that his hair had curled from the humidity and that his usual white t-shirt was sticking to his back.

"You start talking like your kids, how can a grown man like you not figure out what to do?"

"There's nothing to do," his words muffled by the sheets. "At least nothing you seem to want to do."

You rested your open book on your chest, curious at to what he might suggest. At your silence, he lifted his head from the sheets and leered at your half-naked body with astonishment. From the previous days you had spent sunbathing, your complexion was more tanned, and he found your bikini lines absolutely sexy. His cheeks were flushed from the heat and his rather unorthodox thoughts.

Even after so many years together, he still managed to make you shiver with his eyes alone.

"I was just wondering if we could put this huge mirror to good use," he said innocently.

Next to your bed hung a full-length mirror, the frame adorned with golden moldings, making you wonder if the interior designers had an ulterior motive in choosing this particular location.

Michael crawled up to you like a predator hunting its prey before leaning down to attack your lips. He captured your mouth forcefully, sucking on your upper lip first, you mouth gasped open, accepting his slippery tongue in your mouth. His stubble left burning on your tender flesh, his fangs nibbling at you like a deranged vampire.

You were overwhelmed by his sudden aggressiveness, mewling as his hand undid the knots on the sides of your bikini bottoms and sought for your wetness.

He barely gave you time to succumb to his touch before flipping you around, sticking your ass in the air. Through the reflection, you stared at his brows knitted together, a deep scowl forming long creases on his forehead. He gawked at the white drop oozing from your pussy, his tongue flaking over his lips before his finger reached down to collect it and licked it clean.

A desperate moan escaped the trenches of your throat as you felt his warm breath fuming against your entrance with every huff he made before colliding his mouth against your dripping pussy. His warm hands palmed your cheeks, and spread them apart as he voraciously devoured you, tongue swirled and drank your elixir.

A symphony of muffled moans filled the bedroom, his head bobbed as he was making out noisily with your vagina before sucking your bundle of nerves. Michael broke away for a split second, you saw him gather saliva in his his mouth before spitting on your asshole, you felt it slid down your entrance to your clit. His fingers stroke over your folds, mixing your arousal with his saliva.

He pushed his digit inside your labia to test the mysteries of your heat, the callous pads of his fingers strike the damp, plump flesh.

"Look at you," he mocked, pumping in and out until his knuckles glistened with your juices. "You want my dick badly, don't you baby?" he murmured, pulling out his fingers to draw his lips back and forth to lick and kiss your swollen mound.

You hadn't a single coherent thought left in your mindless brain to form a syntactically correct sentence, only incoherent grunts left your mouth. You wiggled your ass against his mouth, his tongue flattened against your clit then, he shook his head from side to side, moving in time with your hips.

His palm suddenly landed on your cheek. "Answer me."

"Y-yes, Daddy."

He hummed in approval before straightening up, removing his v-neck and tendrils of electrifying shivers coursed through your nerves as the distinguished click of metal and brush of fabric rustled from behind.

Short spasms of delight shuddered through every cell as you saw him grab his shaft and felt him slap it against your swollen lips, grinding rough and vulgar while you bucked against the ridges of his dick. He painted himself in your sweet nectar, teasing both your womanhood and the puckered hole that clenched from his girth.

Your entire body stiffened as he split your flesh, his size stuffing you so deeply, you felt the pressure in the pit of your stomach. Michael stilled for a moment, groaning at the sensation of your hot cave fitting around him, milking it already.

"If you hadn't just given birth, I'd already have you pregnant," the thought of carrying his child again made your pussy twitch, your canal sucking him even deeper.

His strong hands grasped your hips as he greedily drilled into you, his thrusts creaking the wood of the bed, and the headboard colliding with the wall. His fingers burnt around your waist so harshly you thought you would never be able to sense anything but his grip on your skin.

The thunder's rumble and the ocean's raging were swallowed by your high-pitched cries and his guttural howls that echoed in the bedroom. You never dared to shut your eyes too mesmerized by the sight of your husband, his dripping curls bouncing at each of his meticulous pounding. Feeling your scrutiny, his chocolate irises locked with yours through the mirror.

You had never let him fuck you so zealously before this trip, he was taking out all his frustration on you. Frustrated that your children keep interrupting your private time in Neverland, frustrated that your program was ruined because of the weather. You were at the brink of spiraling in an oceanic whirlwind.

"You're too deep!" you wailed as he sank his dick so deep, your breath hitched. You reached for his thigh behind you to slow him down, but he restrained both of your wrists above the small of your back.

"Tsk tsk, you take what I give you. Anyway it's not like your pussy is telling me you don't like to feel me balls deep in your womb," his hand smacked your ass sharply while he bursted into cold, arrogant laughter. "Look at yourself, creaming all over my cock like a needy little bitch."

You stirred for him, sticking your ass higher, and swaying yourself, earning you Michael's free fingers running the curve with appreciation, kneading roughly and groaning. When Michael hit the spot that no one ever sought inside you, and little spasms spiraled from your core before pleasure began to snap and your walls shuddered urgently around him.

Whines rode your breath as your ass bucked back against him, taking his swollen dick all the way inside and forcing him to lose control and erupt into your body with a prolonged grunt. You felt the warmth of his seed seeping inside you as he ground himself in, giving you all he had before pulling out and watching how it trickled down from your entrance.

Michael collapsed onto your sweaty spine, breathing hard in your ear.

You reached behind, running your hand through his damp hair. "Are you still bored, Daddy?"

"No, I've been greatly entertained," he said sleepily.

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