Not So Professional Pt. 2

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Enigma Ecstasy was busy for the last three evenings. You worked most days although you didn't need to, thanks to the insanely generous income you earned. And every shift, Michael was nowhere to be seen, you wondered if he was simply a mirage that you'd danced for, that you'd fucked with.

You found yourself on stage every night, looking into booth two and imagining him there in that all black attire, then veering your eyes on the couch he'd sat on in the amethyst room each time you had to dance for another man.

Tonight, during your performance, you felt your heart rate increase for no reason, your eyes roamed the room and you spotted him in booth two, you almost liquified into a puddle on stage. Dressed in black, to not draw attention on him, you felt him staring like a panther would eye its prey, and you have to keep yourself from jumping from the pole.

Whether you'd be willing to admit to him or not, you missed him. Missed the pull you felt, missed the way the world evaporated and a gooey film encased you into a universe of your own. Only both of you knew that you were now dancing only for him.

Admittedly, he was there, but all you had to do was wait. Which was easier said than done because your body was already ridiculously aroused. The more you danced and the more he watched, the more wetness pooled between your legs. You had never been aroused in a room full of people in your life, and the more you tried to act professional, the worse it got because he was right there, looking like that, seducing you without even trying.

Your performance concluded and your eyes darted up to him, through the darkness you could make out his smirk before he disappeared backstage.

As you walked off stage, your skin was on fire, your heart stopped working for a split second before careening and pumping into overdrive as you got closer to the amethyst room. The control over your body was lost to you; he drew you like a magnet that your legs led you to him, almost making you lose your balance in your heels.

You paused once you reached the amethyst room, straightening your posture. Your legs were already jelly at the prospect of seeing him again, the heaven between them yearning for another fix of him.

Blood and excitement crashed through every vein as you pulled back the velvet curtain, stepped in and pulled it across. You met his intense gaze before he ogled you up and down, leaving a trail of pins and needles through your limbs.

"You came back," you managed to croak despite his magnetism draining every bit of your common sense.

"I had to see you before leaving," he said, smirking as you stared down at him. "I had to see this beautiful girl again."

His voice reached the depths of your core and you walked closer until you were standing of him, letting your hands rest on his shoulders. They were broad beneath his shirt and you squeezed them just to watch his eyes lull at you.

The music thrummed in your pulse, almost as intensely as your arousal did. You were so drawn to him and the effortless connection you seemed to have.

"You want me to dance for you, sir?" you leaned in to brush your lips on his ear, purring seductively.

"I'm all yours, baby," he drawled.

You turned, giving him the perfect view of your ass cheeks as you worked your hips, the view of the delicate stretch marks decorating your curves.

"Black lace tonight?"

You twirled around and placed your knees on either side of his thighs, your hands anchoring on his shoulders once more as you moved your body in slow rolls to the music. You stared down at him with a sultry smile, swaying your hips more and more south, and even though you put your professional mask on, your breath hitched when his face came close to yours.

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