15th Death Anniversary

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In the realm of music, a legend stands tall,
Michael Jackson, the name that enthralls,
With melodies that weave magic and sway,
Your legacy echoes, day after day.

The world did you wrong,
Your innocence stolen, your spirit prolonged,
Yet through the trials, your spirit did soar,
Your music, a beacon, forevermore.

Your voice, a velvet caress, so sweet,
Your dance, a symphony, moving our feet,
Moonwalking across the stage of our hearts,
Your artistry, a masterpiece, tearing us apart.

Michael, we failed to see your worth,
The child within, the pain you'd birth,
But now we recognize, the genius you were,
The impact you made, oh, so clear.

Your music, a revolution, a sound so grand,
Transforming the industry, with your masterful hand,
From pop to soul, you transcended the norm,
A true innovator, defying the storm.

Your influence lingers, in every beat,
In every melody, every lyric so neat,
The artists you've touched, they carry your flame,
Your legacy lives on, untamed.

Your philanthropy shone, a beacon so bright,
Inspiring compassion, banishing night,
Children's advocate, a voice for the weak,
Your kindness a whisper, the world did seek.

A father, with love so profound,
For his children you cherished, with a heart unbound,
You dreamt of their futures, their laughter and glee,
Yet fate intervened, a cruel decree.

Time stolen from moments, you longed to embrace,
To watch them grow taller, with love and grace,
To guide their footsteps, with wisdom's soft hand,
A father's devotion, you couldn't command.

Though gone, your spirit lives on,
In the hearts of your children, a bond never gone,
They carry your torch, with passion ablaze,
Preserving your legacy, through music's sweet maze.

Michael, a father's unfulfilled dream,
To witness their triumphs, a radiant gleam,
Though you're not beside them, your spirit's their guide,
In their hearts, you'll forever reside.

Forever etched in our hearts, you'll always reside,
The legend, the icon, the one who defied.

We love you dearly, angel  🕊️

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