VMA's Kiss

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Their kiss officially sealed their union with everyone screaming and clapping as if he hadn't been married to another woman less than two years ago. Everyone thought butter wouldn't melt in Michael's mouth when he could turn out to be the devil incarnate. No one suspected that he had left you as if you were another hookup.

Seeing him kiss another woman's lips in front of everyone broke your heart into a million pieces. As selfish as it sounds, he didn't have the right to star a new life and be happy with it while you were unable to put your story behind you. Especially when he was the one who ruined everything.

You showed a slight smile while clapping while he faced away the the audience with Lisa at his heels. When they disappeared backstage, your face dropped and tears threatened to fall.

"Are you okay?" your agent whispered to you, a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Mmh," you nodded frantically before realizing that this was the worst question anyone could ask you. "Excuse me."

You didn't care that some people noticed that you were affected by what had just happened, but you sneaked backstage and headed to the nearest bathroom before anyone close to Michael could see you. Once you locked the bathroom stall, the tears spilled over your cheeks.

You were furious at Michael, furious at Lisa, but mostly furious at yourself for thinking that he wouldn't leave you behind and that he would come back to you. There were times when you wondered how you would have lived these past few years if only you had listened to your family. If you hadn't sacrificed everything to live off your love for him.

You pulled out some toilet paper from the stall, unlocking it and stand before the mirror. You carefully blotted away your tears to avoid smudging your mascara, though your eyes were quite red. Suddenly, you jumped as the door that had just opened to reveal the last person you wanted to see tonight.

There he was, as his huge eyes were wide in shock of having you in the same room as him was making his jaw slack. Your eyes promptly left his and drag themselves across his entire frame, sticking on his left hand in which he was holding his sunglasses, you could even detect his wedding ring.

Your heart was smashing against you ribs and a bitter bile of shocked humiliation rose into your mouth since he always told you that he particularly hated wearing rings. Really, what other subjects had he lied to you about?

Michael licked his lips and shifted from foot to foot nervously. "Hi," his voice broke so he cleared his throat, still not taking his eyes off you. "I didn't know you'd be here."

You gulped to lower the lump that had formed in your throat, rummaging distractedly in your clutch, you tried to reapply your lipstick with shaky hands, but realizing that you wouldn't be able to do it properly so, you tossed it back into your purse.

"Don't mind me," you mumbled, still feeling his intense gaze on you. Your hair stood on end at the sound of the door closing and at the clicking of his boots on the tiles getting closer to you. You could smell his perfume which almost made you close your eyes and rest your head in the crook of his neck and feel his hot breath crashing against your ear.

"I'm glad to see you," he enthused but his smile didn't even reach his eyes not because he didn't mean it, but because the guilt had been consuming him for over a year. "Your album was perfect by the way."

"Thanks," your gaze still glued to the ground, you knew if you looked at him you would break down.

His hands gripped your arms to turn you around to face him, his hands were so warm and velvety. You even felt his thumb caress your skin, he acted as if nothing had happened between you, and yet you didn't have the strength to push him away. "I'm sorry, you must probably be mad at me but none of this was done to hurt you—"

The Lady in My Life : MJ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now