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princess allura entered his office looking slightly confused

"ah princess welcome, i am glad you accepted my invitation, please sit" i said, she did so

"as i promised earlier i gathered my council, they have made this decision mine and mine alone, which is really annoying, i would prefer if they made the decision it would have made my life easier, but then again i hate politics" i said

"most good rulers do" she said, i nodded, i sighed

"i have a problem you see, my people have many secrets, secrets that you will learn simply so that no problems arise in the future, these secrets if they fall into the hands of the ever 'benevolent' sky marshal, or the 'kind' king lotor would prove disastrous for everyone involved" i said, she nodded her understanding

"so you want our help in protecting your secrets" allura asked and i laughed

"oh no, my dear, i want you to stay out of our way and let us protect ourselves" i said

"i mean i know the capability of that red machine you have but will that be enough if what you say is true" she asked, i paused, before rising to my feet

"come with me" i said, i led the way to my personal shuttle which took us to the ascendent dawn one of the kerel-pattern assault carriers, and i led the way to the ships makeshift hanger, where she saw a very large force

"i will not say these machines can equal the arc, but the shear number of them will make up for that fact i am sure, and this is one ship of our entire fleet, that doesn't even include the ships themselves and their capabilities, and this is just the technological side of things" i said

"technological" allura asked, and she was again gestured to follow, and we found who i was looking for

"tsubaki, would you mind, i need you for a demonstration" i said

"of course" she said as she joined us, i held out my hand and she transformed into her ninja blade mode, allura was staring

"this is just what tsubaki can do, F, if you would" i said to the jedi who used the force to levitate an object off the ground, i let go of tsubaki allowing her to change back

"i think you get the point, one more person i should introduce to you" i said, as i led the way to what appeared to be a makeshift workshop wherein i knocked

"what is it" hephaestus called

"it's me, you busy" i asked

"not at all, lord archon, one sec" hephaestus answered

"ah this is an explanation of us" hephaestus said as she walked up

"it is" i said

"what can she do" allura asked

"i am a god" hephaestus said bluntly, her eyes widened

"i have two in my fleet, hephaestus here is specifically the god of smithing, bishamonten is a god of war, and one of the seven gods of of fortune" i said

"m-my lady" allura said attempting to bow in respect but hephaestus just waved her off

"don't bother, neither i nor bisha holds anyone to ceremony" hephaestus said

"b-but" allura stammered

"come on, thank you for your time hephaestus" i said

"not at all" she said, returning to my office with the stunned princess

"now you understand, i have numerous races in my fleet, among many other things, magic is something we are capable of in numerous different forms in fact hephaestus is trying to forge the magics together into one cohesive system" i said

"what can i do to get your help" she asked

"with" i asked

"helping my world, helping my team, if you can do magic you could upgrade voltron" she said

"i can do that anyway, i have a machine at my disposal that would make upgrading things easier regardless, but i'm not sure why i should helping the people of the world i intend to be living on is a given, helping you lot, eh, i've fought my battles already, why should i fight yours" i said, thinking of the two fafner units at my disposal

"because it could save lives" she said

"not really, don't think we haven't watched you all, you don't do anything proactively, you reactive on everything, you need to be offensive in order to beat back evil, i learned that the hard way, there is one battle i could not finish, only one, and i still do not have a solid answer for that particular fight, your lions would not help so don't bother" i said

"what can we offer you" she asked

"nothing, you already gave us the one thing we need and in turn your people are protected from any future attacks, if we do help you, well there will be many conditions and strings attached, i'm not really just going to give you all power, i'm a general, and technically a king, do i want to help you yes, my journey started with a dream to be a hero, and i have been a hero to many, many people over the years, however in that time i have learned a valuable lesson, that has proven true more times then not, there is no happy ending, you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain, and i hope i do not become the latter" i said

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