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Dear reader,

Thank you for taking the time to read this, (this part is entirely skippable as I'll just be talking about the process of writing this story...)

It was a very long ride, around 30 chapters and many hours put into this story to shape it into this book.

It is uncertain if this story will ever gain popularity but to those who read it, thank you, I'm so glad that someone decided to take time outside of their day to read some words I spent hours formulating into a bunch of sentences and paragraphs and pages and so on.

I couldn't have done it without my support group of friends who encouraged me when I never felt like even touching my keyboard and pushed me to keep going, I definitely couldn't have done it without you all <3

I definitely, after uploading all the chapters will take a lengthy well-deserved break but I definitely will return, I can't leave writing, no matter how many listen to my words, I will always be there to shout for those who want to hear. 

So, with that, thank you, excuse my English and enjoy this long-awaited story.

With a smile,

Tai's Muse <3

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