Chapter 4

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Somehow. The thoughts, the memories all coming flooding in.

I was in a room, surrounded by a jury of faceless viewers, their bodies all faced me as only one single face stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"You are the duat's only refuge, you must let her out." the person uttered, I turned back but was jolted back to her strong peering gaze. Then suddenly my mouth began to move without my control,

"FOR WHO? WHO WILL SHE POSSESS FOR HER BENEFICIAL CONTENT?" my voice thundered, the woman's face contorted into disgust,

"You forget your status Horus. You are merely the pawn in which the gods must play, it is for the benefit of this prosperous nation. Egypt must demand sacrifice, you as pharaoh are no exception, you break a rule. You must suffer the consequences." the woman stated bluntly, she smiled and opened a book, she pulled her hand and raised it, she spoke in an indescribable language and a light struck from her hand and scorched her finger to bones, she then took her finger which miraculously still functioned and pointed on the paper.

"Raina of El samanouti," she stated,

"NO! RA NO! PLEASE...!" I pleaded uncontrollably, but Ra paid no heed and with a slice, I was now in a pharaoh's room, asleep beside a woman, she looked just like... I couldn't place my finger on it...

The sky was just beside my shoulder as my window gaped open with flowing air, it was a calm, atmospheric night with not much to it. Until she opened her eyes abruptly, I looked into her eyes and she chuckled a bit,

"Your Highness, what are you doing awake at such a time?" she said groggily, I chuckled out of my own accord,

'A pharaoh has many worries, my dear, it is usual for my mind to wander at this time of day."

"Oh, then may this pharaoh allow his mind to rest for a second? It will not but cause a migraine for his precious head," she whispered,

"Raina. Your words pull at the strings of my heart, stop seducing me with your sly retreats!" I joked with a smile, she looked at me with a small bout of laughter,

"You know I will never stop my banter with thee, you are the humour that persists in my life, it is rather isolating with no laughter present in my life. Much less, yours..." She uttered as she looked into my eyes, I instantly felt the radiant warmth from seconds away, it throughout my entire body and left me grasping for her reach, I groaned softly at the words she whispered and she smiled, embracing me long and softly. And once again she opened her blissful mouth,

"Pharaoh...Horus. I love you. You know I do... No matter what, I've loved and always will love you, even if our love is forbidden, my dear," She stated softly, my voice returned in an equally loving nature,

"I love the determination you exhibit, you love me although I am a woman, you love my faults. I love you just as much, I appreciate the perfection that you are, I love you to the extent that I fear that I may even lose myself."

I looked at her as she looked into my eyes longingly, almost as if analysing every single syllable I pronounced, she blushed harshly, her tan skin turning slightly red, I kissed her forehead and with a touch, I pursed my lips onto hers and I felt my body envelop hers, we kissed longingly and as the day grew yonder, I eventually fell asleep.

The sun then arose, and I was quickly awakened by Raina as she raised me and urged me to change, she helped place my makeup of kohl and other accessories as I took a roll of linen and wrapped it around my chest to hide my chest, I pressed the linen hard enough to hide my breasts, it was tough enough to leave me relatively breathless but as a pharaoh, it did not mean much as my slaves would carry me almost all the time- wait...? How did I know this?

The more my memory seemed to expand the more I began to realise everything. Raina... Me... The Goddess... No, Isis. My mother.

Again I was in the courtroom, surrounded by the jury.

"Isis, please not her...Don't possess this poor girl, she has a life to live..." My voice pleaded, once again not of my own accord,

"Horus, you have disregarded the god's rules, you've been selfish to none other but your own family, and you have interacted with the very humans you govern unjustly, you know Gods and Humans may not have such relations... You have done me such betrayal... You must be punished..." Isis stated in horror and pain, I winced at her discontentment, it pained me to see her in such unhappiness.

Ra walked towards the stadium with a disappointed smirk,

"You will suffer, as well as your human. The pharaoh will be replaced and you will merge with her. Your human will merge with another goddess of my choice. You will be star-crossed 'lovers' until we all see fit." she stated as her hands began to move and hundreds of hands formed across her body, she shot directly at me or at least Horus and as I looked to Isis, her shielded face with dripping tears, everything screened white and I was alone once again...

I was still a pharaoh...

Besides that, I was awake now and I desperately required the toilet so I quickly made my way to my indoor toilet. After my business I quickly returned, eager to feel her embrace once again. It had been night once again. My makeup was wide off and my body was bare and naked.

I lay next to her, my eyes drifting between slumber and consciousness, I muttered a single word,

"Raina..." and as if a key to a door, I was back to my reality...

I looked at Isis with shock, just what was happening within Raina? If Isis could make me remember such a large portion of history, even life... What did she show Raina?

I opened my mouth just to utter a word but nothing came out, no words, no breath, just an open gaping mouth.

'Yes, you are an incarnation of my son." she said as a matter of factly, I stood there shocked,

"I-I'm what?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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