Chapter 3

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I looked into her eyes with a lingering fear and wonder beneath my careful demeanour, she looked up to the sky and slowly but surely her eyes began to glow, and her hair began to extend and reach out throughout her body as if mimicking the veins in her minuscule body in comparison, I gasped loudly. Her mouth erupted in an ear-rattling screech as the light emitted from her eyes and mouth, shot out into the sky and rendered her seemingly empty as if freed as a vessel.

She fell into my hands, her body returned to its ordinary state, her once elongated hair now at its natural state and her eyes now lifted into a deep slumber, shut as if I could never pry them open. Suddenly they erupted open as if woken by a wave of freezing water, she instantly tensed up,

"Wh-Where are we?" she shivered, she let me hold her as I looked around as well, it seemed as if so much had just occurred in two hours, I held her hand softly as we turned and were immediately met with the screeching face of a ghoul, I stumbled back quickly, careful not to drop Raina but she was quicker than me, she jumped out of my hands without hesitation, even though she'd just awoken. But then something even stranger happened, the Goddess, or whatever possessed her, took control just as quickly and Raina was seemingly no more.

"Want to see the power of a true goddess?" she asked as she spread her wings of light, she began to fly and as the ghoul directed its attention towards me she took a feather from her wing, it was coated with blood, a stark contrast to her glowing white wing and threw it as if a dart towards the ghoul. It hit instantly and with such strength threw the ghoul onto the ground with impact. Black ooze began to drip from the ghoul's disfigured body,  she shuffled arrows as if throwing decks of cards, at first it was a struggle to see exactly where she was throwing them but as my eyes focused against the dark skies I saw them and my heart skipped a beat... The ghouls, in thousands, were hurling towards this area at lightning speed, it wouldn't be safe for me or anyone outside if this goddess didn't do anything about this. It was an ungodly amount almost thousands from what I could see, but I knew there was more... There always is.

The terrain was rough but I could see where I was, somehow we- Raina and I- had ended up hundreds of meters away from Shitain's Town and even from the villages, we were in the middle of the desert land, the sky was a deep abyss and the sand was a contrasting white in comparison. It was beyond freezing but with the mix of adrenaline and my layers upon layers of clothing, I was warm enough to survive. But this wouldn't mean anything if those Ashbahs got to me first, I looked up at Raina- no the goddess- still at work, her hands moving mechanically as she shot a feather at speeds unmatched, I looked back at the hurdling ghouls who seemed closer than ever and even bigger. I began to panic, what if this goddess couldn't fight them? What if she was going to kill us all? I screamed at her hoarsely

"Hey! HEY!" I waved my hands, but it proved almost useless, she was too high up and as the ghouls began to move even closer, the goddess seemed to opt for a different approach. She began to enlarge as her size began to tower, I ran to the side to avoid getting crushed, she was about the size of two Effiel towers atop one another. She raised her hands above her head and pointed towards the ghouls, now closer than I was comfortable with, she raised her voice, sending shivers up my spine, it sounded like thousands of voices chanting at the same time, but all were the same, perfect, almost uncanny pitch and pace.

"Return to the 𓇽" she chanted as the ring her hands formed blasted a large beam of light, it travelled straight towards the ghouls and in seconds they had seemingly dissipated.

She looked down at me and instantly I recognised her, how could I have not? She was the famous, renowned Goddess, the one I had been searching for almost half of my life as an archaeologist. The Goddess Isis. She looked down with a smile.

"Worked it out, archaeologist?" she asked as she grew smaller and more humane, she was still Isis, but her face, her eyes, she was Raina as well... Somehow.

'How? Wh-what exactly are you?'

"You know exactly what I am, archaeologist... I have met thee once before," she said calmly, I felt nervous, but almost as if my nerves were being calmed to an extent, I knew that under any normal circumstance, I would've lost it, but it was almost as if just her very presence was affecting me... I looked at her and her eyes glinted a deep rose gold, as if an eagle's eyes were staring back at me for a second.

"Remember young boy," she stated.

And somehow. The thoughts, the memories all came flooding In.

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