Chapter 1

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We walked through the dusty weather, our freshly pressed turbans and robes tested by the desert terrain, I pulled a hand over my face to shield my vulnerable eyes, I looked back at Raina, her body was completely covered in the comforting boubou, a long robe native to various Western countries within Africa, I looked warmly at her, my eyes were cautious but caring.

"Come on! We're almost there!" I grunted through the struggle, I heard her distant voice swear back at me, but of course, I ignored it with a chuckle, that's just how she was. I held on to my camel's leash with all my strength, the winds, almost blinding grew in height and intensity, I turned back to Raina, her figure now a shadow. My worry began to increase as the weather did so as well, was a sandstorm in the midst? I wiped the trickling sweat from my furrowed brows and looked towards the direction we were seemingly heading, two lights emitted from what seemingly were two large towers, my worry began to ease at sight, but then a screech echoed from behind me,

"HANNA!!" screamed Raina with pure fear and terror in her voice,

I turned back furiously to find Raina being sucked in like a piece of meat into the stomach of the desert. A sinkhole... I left the camel and smacked her behind,

"Go on, Hamzah!" I shouted at the camel, sending her forward with gallops, I quickly leapt and covered my face with full force, I fought the urge to peak as my body remained seemingly falling after minutes on end, I gave in eventually and felt my heart drop as I revealed my eyes to the completely abysmal view, I was falling and falling fast but also paradoxically slowly at the same time...? I was about to hit something, I knew it, my intuition was strong, but what? I was both afraid and about to scream but I used the fear as power to close my eyes.

Soon I landed on the soft floor, and my face suddenly made contact with the sand at the bottom, I spat out buckets of sand I had mistakenly inhaled as I slowly rose and looked around, still in darkness. I took a match and lit it, I placed it into my lantern which was clean but antique, I walked forward with a brave face and instantly bumped into something hard but bumpy, I stepped back and raised my lantern, it flickered as it revealed the figure, a tall almost 9 feet tall statue, its stone skin crumbling and practically ready to embrace its fate of destruction, I marvelled in wonder, had I accidentally stumbled upon the past? A remnant of the old world?

I turned around and began to look around, my eyes began to twinkle in complete fascination.

"What... The... Fuck...?" I muttered, I walked slowly until I felt a small object, its body was compressed as if I could push it as if a button or switch. I slightly pressed my slender finger upon its rusted skin accepting all the possible risks and for a second, nothing occurred, I held my breath, and I knew something was coming...

The floor began trembling slightly, I looked up, worried that the statue beside me would come crashing down on me, its skin beginning to form various more cracks, I winced as the cracks began to spread like a virus until they reached its head, I closed my eyes shut, the noise of crackling igniting and creaking increasing in volume.

The tall figure leaned as its weight overwhelmed its base, it began to fall as its head came first, right atop my minuscule body.

I was seconds away from death when a sudden convulsion sent me flying, I fell to my feet as the floor had a sudden burst of expulsion, I scrambled far from the statue, my body still bruised but functioning, but just as its body hit the floor, a burst of light emitted across the entire room, I covered my eyes in fear.

I looked around after the sounds of crashing, and noises and the light died down, I stared at the beauty that lay in front of my eyes.



uttered Raina, her eyes fierce and cold, they gave a feeling of cold fire, a paradox within itself.

I immediately looked away as I realised her attire, her body was covered by a layer of thin silk, it only covered the private areas of her beautiful bodice, and her hair was layered with various curls laid individually upon one another, flowing down to her waist, her skin was jet black with deep contrast to the silk, making her almost a muse to view, it felt as if a model had stepped out the best magazine I'd ever seen, she was an art piece to draw, a woman to honour, a goddess amongst the world.

I immediately bowed below her. -It was Her, the part of Raina we both had despised.-

This seemed to satisfy her as her face softened partially, she walked towards me and held my neck, she lifted my chin and looked into my eyes,

"The Raina you know is dead, I am what remains," she stated bluntly, but I felt as if I was stuck in a trance, my thoughts couldn't process at the sight of her alluring gaze, I didn't care, she was the only Raina I wanted, she was the Raina I needed, I couldn't resist her temptation and I was rendered useless.

She smirked as if a cat toying with her prey before it dug in and ate it out alive. I looked into hers with longing, I resisted the urge to kiss her soft lips right then and there, lust filled my mind.

She chuckled softly as she snapped her finger and we were suddenly back in the desert, the storm had dissipated like a deep sigh, I looked at Raina, her eyes wide and almost paralysed, I walked hurriedly towards her and shook her shoulders three times, she instantly awoke with a deep gasp for air, I sighed softly, glad she was still alive. She looked at me with concern,

"Are you ok?" she asked as she quickly placed her soft hands on my pale skin,
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that... It's just, her-she-she fucking, ugh!" she groaned out of frustration, I just pulled her in for a lengthy hug, one long hug, it was painful and so frustrating for this to happen all the time, but the side of her that was like this, kind, soft, caring, it made all of this worth it, because she was worth every single second of my life.

I helped her onto the camel and walked with her until we made it to the city, it was bustling and full of life, I smiled as I saw the person we were looking for instantly, I held Raina's hand tightly and squeezed it softly,

"Are you ready?" I asked her in full seriousness, this was gonna be a long ride, she needed to hold Her in for now, or else this wouldn't end well...

"Yes. I am Hanna," she said with a stern voice.

We walked to the markets, and people of various backgrounds traversed around as they made their way to and fro, I looked at the woman of my life, her eyes were shut tight, focused and fixed on her thoughts, I couldn't imagine the turmoil bubbling within her as she probably was trying to calm the storm that was that goddess within her soul.

I held her even closer as we moved further into the deepest parts of the city, the groups of merchants and travellers began to stagnate and before we knew it we were in the slums of this city, the groups of people only prevalent here were the poorest of the poor and unfortunate.

I covered my eyes from the grotesque murders that happened across the street and felt bile slither through my throat as I saw a sign with the most horrifying propaganda. I was so glad she couldn't see anything, the slums were the worst of the worst and lived up to their name as the town's terrors in the majority... Then a person appeared in front of us, his appearance seemed almost shaken, his eyes widened in a permanent fix, his mouth remained hanging and his hair was dishevelled, he looked straight out of a novel. I held Raina behind me as he came a few steps closer,

"You're here for h-her, right?" he gestured towards Raina, who remained behind me in worry, I nodded cautiously, how did he know?

"Come," he coughed as he began to walk, travelling further into the belly of Shitain's Town...

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