Chapter 2

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(It was my bday a few days ago so excuse the wait!! ENJOY AND have fun <3)


The Lost City...

Raina and I found ourselves in the deepest depths we had ever walked upon, the corners of the streets were littered with old architecture and blood stains, all forms of garbage laid on the streets, and the real leeches of Shitain's Town. I held Raina's hand more tightly as we kept moving, soon he stopped us in front of what seemed to be a den. It was a completely secluded area of the town, it was nightfall and the weather began to drop drastically,

"Go in," he commanded before walking off, leaving us isolated between two choices:

Trust the man and enter


Stay out and survive the freezing desert.

I looked at Raina, her eyes were still shut but we sensed it at the same time, we needed to go in now.

We knocked on the decrepit door with haste, the ashbah, ghouls, would arrive in no time...

There was no answer, I grew afraid, I knocked more hastily,

"Please open up, we were led here by an old man," I shouted at the door, hoping the person who may be there would take pity on us.

There still was no response and after I heard the first whisper of the pain, I hit the door. Raina tried to calm me down but realised that there wasn't much time, she also heard the noises, they were almost here.

I grabbed the handle and pushed the door, surprisingly it opened and both Raina and I fell through, I shut the door and turned back to the house's interior, Raina opened her eyes and sighed, she handed me a chair and we placed it against the door to maintain it's strength.

"Wow..." she uttered as we both looked around this den, it was a deep rose, the room was filled with a scent of both fresh romance and rotting heartbreak, the room had various tables and chairs and a mini stage in which lay a microphone and a piece of paper, I looked at the flickering lights above the stage, they turned on and off as if to a silent song. It was almost as if the room was apart of an old-times restaurant...

I walked towards the stage and Raina looked at me with both amusement and confusion,
After a few minutes of straggling around the room
with curiosity and wonder.

"Come on, let's make the most of this situation, let me sing a song for you," I said with a smirk, she smiled back and sat on one of the wooden chairs, it creaked slightly in the silence as I prepared one of my favourite songs for her.
She cringed at first, her eyes scrunching as she laughed in embarrassment, but I continued, she was the only person here, so I could truly reveal my vulnerability for her...

And so,

I opened my mouth and let the melody in my mind wander, I sang of her beauty with encapsulated my world, her encapturing eyes to her endearing hair, in which you could pass a finger but it wouldn't even pass through with how full and voluminous it was, I then looked into her eyes as I said the last following verses,

"And even if I were to trade the inch of my soul which formed my being, it would never be worth the seconds of my shared feeling."

I lingered on the last note and blew a kiss towards her, she turned away in a fluster, I chuckled softly as she clapped weakly, her face glowing in complete glee and gratefulness.

"Hanna.. you're so corny, dear God...!" She huffed between her flustered eyes.

I flowed down the stairs and touched her cheek with a gentle demeanour, she looked at me with her earnest eyes, I instantly folded but embraced her lips with mine as we kissed passionately, it was long but fulfilling. She was the world to me, the Sun to my Earth, the Moon to my sea, the ice and water to my raging fire.

As we continued to kiss, the lights above us began to flicker even more intensely, I moved back slightly from Raina,

"What is it?" she asked curiously, I pointed to the light...

She looked at the lights worriedly, we felt a small tremor, she staggered a bit further back, I thought quickly and held her before she could plant onto the floor, she sighed from relief and I helped her get back up... another tremor, this time more stronger knocked us both against the tables and chairs.

"Do you think it's..?" she uttered with an indescribable expression, I nodded fervently, so we quickly turned off the lights and rushed towards the tables, we rearranged the tables so that they made a 'cover' of some sort, I held her hand and we hid inside the table-fort, I embraced her close, the ashbah were creeping dangerously close, I could tell one had made it in.

Its ghoulish appearance glowed in the dark room, its  bloody gaze moved around the room, I held my breath as hard as I could, the silence was long and thick with oozing tension.
I looked back at Raina, her eyes filled with extreme fear, she'd never seen this type of thing before, I rubbed her shoulders slowly, trying to slowly comfort her. But then just as everything felt good.

All hell broke loose...

Before I knew it both Rains and I were covered in blood, the floor was erupted in flames and the sky was dark with a blood filled moon, I looked back to




She floated from the ground, her body covered with bloodshed and thin cover of a laced dress, it flowed as it seemed to grow in length, her hair also grew flowing all over her, as if beginning to encapsulate her like a crescent moon.
I couldn't believe it, she's never gone this far...
She had just grown a few inches taller but as I continued to look, she grew taller, bolder and almost "wax-like"
She was almost a statue, a tall god like creature.
I mean she was a Goddess, but... She never revealed her true name... So what or who could she truly be?

"Who are you?" I muttered fearfully, she turned her head to me, she spat onto the ground and smiled with a valiant grin,

"Your greatest wish."

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