Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

I'm blinded by a light. It brings me back to consciousness. Takes me a few minutes to just be aware of my surroundings.

Where I am? A hospital room, in a bed.

Who's here? A doctor and two nurses.

Why I'm here? The baby inside me wanting to break free of my body.

Wait... Is she even still in there? Please God, don't let her be gone!

I start moving to feel my stomach to try and rouse her, but I'm pulled back by needles and tubes being attached to my left and hand. I must alert the nurses because they both turn to face me.

"Miss Everdeen, no. Please stay put." One nurse with ginger hair and sun-kissed freckled skin tells me gently She advances towards me and adjusts the tubes sticking out of my arm and hand.

"Is she still in there?" I ask frantically.

She nods.


I take a huge sigh of relief.

"What even happened?"

"You fainted. Overworked your body and put too much stress on her too quickly. Your baby is okay." She informs me caringly and calmly.

As I just start to calm as I stroke my stomach, then I realise...


Where is he? What happened? Why is he not here with me right now? He should be right next to me, holding my hand, stroking my hair back, telling me everything is okay. Reassuring me about our baby coming into the world being a good thing. Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!

"Where is Peeta?!" I demand, well trying to be. It's hard trying to be intimating and tough when your attached to a bed while a baby is slowing making its way through your body.

The nurses exchange looks, both wordlessly deciding on how to tell me. With the looks on their faces, I can already tell what has happened, why he isn't here, why he isn't now going to see the birth of his child.

"Miss Everdeen..." One of them starts. I can't even tell which one, my eyes are already filled with tears as I think to myself, I'm alone again. I'm going to have to do this by myself. I can't do it by myself. I hate this. God, Snow! Why did you ruin this life for me so badly? Kill my father in a mining 'accident'. Make me volunteer for my little sister for a slaughtering game which kills 23 out of 24 children each year. Make Peeta's and my lives a living hell just because we didn't want to live without each other. Then ruined Peeta, changing almost every single moment of mine and Peeta's lives together just as a way of punishing me for defying his insane rules. I hate him. I will kill him. I don't care if Coin wants to do it, I will be the one to kill him. He's done more to me than he ever has to her. I must kill him. For the other Victors, the dead children, the dead families of the Victors, for Panem. I cannot, will not, let him live so he can ruin my child's life too. This has to end. NOW!


Breaking my thoughts, I see Haymitch walking into the hospital room, coming and grabbing my hand.



"No! I need Peeta! I don't just want him here, I need him here, Haymitch! You know that! Please! Please..." I beg, tears of pain and heart-wrenching reality setting in. I will not be able to have this baby if Peeta is not here.


"No! Haymitch! Get him here! NOW! I will not be able to have his baby with him not here. Not just because I don't want him not seeing the birth of his child, but because I don't want to bring her into this world without Peeta assuring me that everything is going to be okay. I just can't Haymitch. I can't. Please, please, PLEASE get him here."

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