Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

"Sweetheart. Time to go." Haymitch ushers me awake from my dreamless slumber.

I wake up, sitting up on the bed. I look at Haymitch and he as his beanie on and his grey tracksuit.

"You have about five minutes before I need to pull you away and get you into your uniform and get into a hovercraft." Haymitch informs me.

I nod, running a hand through my lose locks and I watch him walk back out of the room. I get up and walk to the bathroom, doing my business and coming back out, I see Peeta sitting on the edge of the bed. I wobble in between his legs, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. We stay like that for a few minutes, then I pull away and smile.

"Come back to me?" He whispers.

"We will." I say stroking my stomach.

I let out a sigh and then walk away from him towards the door. I grab the handle, waiting for the buzz. Then I look back to see Peeta walking towards me. He stops a few steps from me and I act from my heart, not my mind. I stride towards him, cupping his cheeks in mine and pressing my lips against his. He's startled and he stumbles back surprised, taking me with him. I feel every cell in my body racing around and sparks exploding inside me. I haven't felt Peeta's lips on mine since the Arena and it's been too long. When we parted at the tree at midnight, I didn't think that would be our last kiss. Our last kiss before they changed Peeta from the boy I knew all too well. I break our connection and instantly miss his touch, starting towards the door which has now buzzed. I turn around for one last look to see Peeta rushing towards me, for a moment, I'm scared about what he is doing and if I've set him off, then I'm silenced by his lips back on mine.

I relax indistinctively into the warm and closeness of his touch. My fingers come up to his hair and tangle in the mess of curls and I can't help when I sigh against his lips, thankful to have his lips on mine again where they belong. Even though this is the best thing that's happened since being here in this dungeon, I can't let this go any further because then I won't get onto that hovercraft. I can't risk losing Peeta, especially after this. I break away and let my head fall down to look at the floor. Breathing heavily, I say without even thinking,

"I love you."

Then I duck out of the door. All I can think is, I need to get back from Two. Even if I didn't, I'd die happy that he kissed me back.


I got shot. Peeta and I both knew something like this was going to happen. The bullet hit me in the ribs so close to the baby and I was rushed into surgery. The man shot me in my side, I was lucky that the doctors here in Thirteen are incredible. They saved my baby. Only just. I've been in critical condition for almost a week. I haven't seen Peeta. Haven't even heard anything about him. I kept asking Haymitch, but he wouldn't give me any information on him. I screamed at him begging for an update, and even then nothing. It makes me so scared about what could have happened to him. Never mind me almost losing our baby, I just wanted to know he was okay. Today, I was visited by Johanna. She gave me a sympathetic smile after she spoke to me the way she speaks to everyone else does. After Johanna came, so did Haymitch. He finally gave me answers about Peeta. And I burst into tears.


I stand looking in over Peeta's room. Tied down, black eyes from lack of sleep, grazes and cuts over his arms and face. I gasp and bring a hand to my mouth, letting it soften the sob which escapes, Haymitch stands beside me for support running a calming hand down my arm. After I left, Peeta broke down. He was able to be calmed down by the picture of our baby. When he heard I was shot, he flipped his whole bed over, which led to him being strapped down. When he was told that the baby was at risk of dying, he had the biggest episode since coming back here. He hurt three doctors, broke the other guard's nose, ripped out of the straps, smashed the mirror and got sedated to calm him back down. He tried to escape and get to me, Haymitch tells me. It doesn't surprise me, that's what the old Peeta would have done. But, now we don't even know which Peeta is strapped to that bed. It could be the old Peeta who loves me and our baby or the Mutt who tried to kill me. He learnt the baby was fine and so was I, but he's back to base one. I don't know whether he hates me, whether he loves me, I have no idea.

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