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Third person

        “Ou, that's an interesting topic.”

Taeri had sent a quick text to her sister, telling her that she would be at the library for a while. And when that was done, the ravenette trudge towards the one section she knew for a fact would hold books about what has being bugging her mind lately. She scrolled through each shelf, skimming the thick books in search for the right one.

“Yeah...” Taeri murmured quite lowly. It was hard having someone around– besides her sister – who would easily talk this much to her. And now this dude she met barely three days ago was being too chatty and it made her a bit anxious.

“I should read something supernatural too,” Jeongin beamed, reaching for the book Taeri was having a little problem getting. He looked at the tittle, reading the words written boldly in calligraphy.

The Afterlife: Purgatory and Heaven explained.

“Um, my book?” The ravenette irked a brow at Jeongin's hesitance.

“Here,” The taller grinned, pointing the book at her. Taeri snatched it away from him, earning a head pat from the black haired, which she chose to ignore.

Even when they sat down in obscure silence, both reading what piqued their interest, she still couldn't shake that question off, the question she has been meaning to ask. Maybe she should ask right now.

“Hey Jeongin?”

“Hm?” the addressed hummed lowly, eyes still glued on the book he was reading.

Taeri paused, deliberating her curiosity over. “Nevermind.” the female pinned her attention back on the book, skipping the intro for she deemed it to be random words about the author. A couple minutes in and she barely got the answer she wanted. It was just brush up about Purgatory being a state which sinners inhabit as they undergo purging in order to be taken above.

Nothing really talked about the valley that hypnotized her, nor the hair colour. Even that sedated environment was left out. Maybe if she reads further into it, more information would be disclosed.

“Taeri,” Jeongin called for her attention. When the smaller looked away from her book, wide-eyed, he took that as a sign to continue. “What exactly did Felix say?” he asked, sounding and appearing serious.

“Um- something along the line of ‘I wanna go in’ and ‘Move’?”

Jeongin seemed to relax a bit, leaning on the backrest, his adorable smile returning. “Don't be intimated by how he sounds, okay?” he pulled out his phone, gave a few clicks, before pointing it at Taeri. “He's a total fluff ball.”

It was a photo of Felix grinning, his eyes were pushed into the cutest crescents. And besides him were two other guys, a black haired holding up a peace sign, his lips stretched into a faint smile, his chubby cheeks puffed out and in the middle, a taller guy with pink hair stood, both his arms resting on both their shoulders, his plump lips tugged into the brightest smile, his eyes disappearing into slits.

Taeri looked away from the mobile, blinking. Those were the guys she kept dreaming about. She gazed at the taller, bemused. “Are those his friends?”

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What does ‘Lilac’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

He's tough, he's buff and he's back, please welcome bouncer Lee (> •-•)> yeah, he'll be taking your wonderful votes and comments.

Thanks for reading

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