🍁: 40

59 12 17

Third person

       “I've been meaning to ask about seungmin.”

Taeri sat indolent in the green pastures, an ecstatic Han behind her, both his hands wrapped securely around her torso, his legs caging her in. She could feel his breaths puff softly on her nape and his heart thumping against her back which his chest was leaned on. As the days progressed, the closer he was with her, always attached to the shorter. From casually holding hands to always resting his arm across her shoulders.

At first it bemused Taeri, but it made sense now.

It was just the happy hormones which he felt when he was around her that night. He was drunk with high dopamine, increasing his serotonin level which produced oxytocin enough for him to be attracted to her. Hyunjin said he was heavily selective when it comes to people, but he was easily drawn the first time they met. Last emotions were imprinted even in purgatory, like his red hair due to anger, it was possible that the oxytocin didn't die down too.

Was it why Hyunjin wasn't too found of her? Did she also cross path with him that night?

“Seungmin is okay...” Han rocked both Taeri and himself, a cheeky grin on. “...just very shy.”

“Wrong!” Hyunjin interjected. “He's pretty sly, acting all shy. I mean, he's fine when you're with him in public, but don't share any physical contact when you're alone. He can get...” the orange haired laid down, his arms behind his head as he trained his gaze on the bright blue sky. “...extremely lustful.”

Han noticed how tensed Taeri got and scoffed. “That's not Seungmin!”

“He uses his shy nature to charm his victims, Han,” Hyunjin irked his brow. “What do you know?”

Han pursed his lips, defeated. Hyunjin would know better.

“What about Minho?” Taeri sensed how heavy the atmosphere got, shifting to another question. It wouldn't hurt to gain a little more information him, maybe they might had come across him here, on purgatory.

“I hate that guy,” Hyunjin grunted, totally agitated. “You may say he's envious...”

“Yeah, Minho Hyung didn't really like you too,” Han laughed loudly, his grip around Taeri getting tighter.

“Han, you're too clingy, let her go,” The orange haired rolled his eyes. “You're draining her of life.”

“No, I'm not,” Han pouted, tilting to get a better view of her face. “Am I?” he prodded, curiosity lacing his tone.

“I mean, I can barely move?”

Han completely broke off her, glaring at Hyunjin who would always make him do so. And that made Taeri titter, looking at his red hair. Should it be red? He did feel a couple more strong emotions after trashing up his room. He drank a lot, which was gluttony, shouldn't he be orange haired like Hyunjin? He also made out with Taeri. Lust. His hair should be blue haired? Why red? Did he actually confront Hyunjin later that night?

“Can I see your hand?” Taeri mused, already taking hold of the redhead's hand. It wasn't absolutely bruise free like Hyunjin's. Why didn't she notice this before? Taeri looked at Han's perplexed face, before lifting his shirt up.

“Taeri what is wrong with you?” he yelped, quickly pulling it down, Hyunjin laughing behind them.

He didn't have a scar there, which means he wasn't stabbed. Why didn't she think of this before. The black haired crawled to the tittering Hyunjin, doing the same to him, and just like Han, he didn't have any scar, nor bullet holes, no bruise on their head or wherever. They didn't fall off somewhere high, did they?

Were their drinks spiked?

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What does ‘Sad’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

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