🍁: 31

50 13 16

Third person

“Hi Innie,” the ravenette pressed out.

Jeongin's ears perked up as the soft sound of grass being stepped out emitted in front of him. A pair of white sneakers now perched under his gaze. He could recognize that voice anywhere and frankly, Taeri was the last person he wanted to see now. He didn't quite understand why, but he felt the need to be away from her at the moment.

“Why didn't you tell me?” he spoke calmly, still refusing to look up at the new comer.

“Um...” Taeri's brows knitted in confusion. She couldn't exactly tell what he was referring to, cause she had a habit of keeping a lot from him. She knew he was only being caring, but she was still hesitant to open up to people. She'd always feel restricted when it came to expressing. If she were being honestly, lately, she had been showing off more than she usually would. With her purgatory dreams, the happenings in school and actually meeting someone she could call a friend. Things were changing from her usual circle of despair. “...tell you what?”

“That Minho almost drowned you.”

Jeongin finally looked up, how bruised up he looked made Taeri gasp. A fresh cut ran across the bridge of his nose, dried up blood dribbled from his nostril, smeared on the bottom of his lips, indicating he had a busted lip, a blueish hue imprint on his cheekbone, which Taeri was found of staring at.

“What happened to you?” her breath hitched.

“Just answer me-” The ginger haired grew annoyed, getting up with a soft sniffle.

“I- I didn't think it was important,” Taeri took a step back, intimidated by how close he was getting.

“You didn't- Are you insane?” Jeongin gripped both her shoulder's firmly, shaking her smaller frame violently. “You don't know just how far Minho can go, do you? What if he tries it again? And this time he doesn't spare you? You'd stupidly keep shut forever, right?” his loud voice bellowed, dragging the attention of the few people present at the moment.

Taeri had her eyes shut tight, her jaws clenched. This was exactly why she never wanted him to find out. Not cause he was yelling at her, but because he might get hurt, which he was. “Please...” her voice was low, barely audible. “...please stop, you're creating a scene.”

“I'm creating a scene? Trust me, I'm not started yet,” the taller scoffed, taking a hand off her shoulder, just to pull her hair back with it, forcing the ravenette to look up. “Do you want to die, huh?”

Taeri tried grabbing his hand, in attempt to make him stop, or at least pull a little less hard. The stinging pain causing tears to well her eyes. The female legs would twitch as broken sob escaped her. “Jeongin, you're hurting me. Please,” her hand finally grabbed his, squeezing for him to release the handful of hair he had grabbed.

And the ginger haired did listen, letting go of his counterpart, he pulled her closer to him, locking her tight with both arms, the shorter's cheek resting on his chest as he whisked his fingers through her hair. “I'm sorry, Taeri... I was just scared,” he placed his chin on her head, mumbling into her hair. “I don't want Minho to hurt you anymore than he already have.”

“Let me go,” Taeri's voice broke.

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What does ‘drive’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

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