🍁: 35

49 14 17

[Third person pov]

“Aww, c'mon man, are you still upset?”

And all the while Han had that scrawl on his face and Hyunjin couldn't help but worry. They had just left his House with them throwing a casual excuse at his mom that he was going to spend the whole night at Hyunjin's. It was a Friday evening and it was common for both boys to hangout until the sun came out.

“I'm not,” Han pressed out, unable to hide that he was infact enraged.

He didn't let Hyunjin know about what Minho had told him, he was waiting for the right moment to confront his friend about it.

Hyunjin hummed, doubting what he had just said. He wanted to toy with the younger and that's when he noticed his bruised knuckles, dried blood latched on his fingers, dripping from his exposed cut and one deeper still oozing out fresh blood, his entire hand tinted.

Hyunjin looked up at him, pouting. “Did I really make you this mad? If you don't wanna go, we could always hangout in an arcade or something, I don't mind,” he started pulling the younger away from the trail they were on.

“No, it's fine,” Han struggled to break lose, even though he was aware that the older was stronger than him. “I was mad at my mom, she was angry I wasn't the top student.”

“Oh? We could always take care of your hand first, right?”

“No, it's also fine,” Han turned away from him. He didn't want Hyunjin to catch on to his lie. He was mad at what all his friends were into. Maybe that's why they didn't tell him, they knew he would be against it. “It doesn't hurt that much.”

He wanted to get to the party as soon as possible, so he could drink until he was brave enough to ask Hyunjin about it or until he died.

★ . . . . . . . . . . . ★

  “You're lucky I'm feeling kind, Taeri.”

The black haired had her gaze down casted, her grip around the huge blanket–that was firmly wrapped around her– tightening. She sat quietly as the blond raved on, drying off her hair with a towel. She was too cold and shocked to respond to whatever he had to say.

“Hey, is it true Minho Hyung almost drowned you...” he tilted his head to the side, staring at her. “...or just another rumour? Dang, you're a rumour magnet. I mean, I actually want to believe the dating one cause y'all ain't giving me a choice.”

“Jeongin and I are just friends,” Taeri murmured lowly. Staying in the rain for too long had finally gotten to her and it was lucky enough they were closer to Felix's, cause she could barely walk at that moment.

Felix chuckled. “Does he know you can go into purgatory?”

“Huh?” his question made Taeri quickly perturbed, she tried to remain calm, not to give him the hint he needed.

“I saw Minho Hyung toying with your necklace that day, you know? You're not careful, maybe because you have no idea about how cruel this town can get...”

Taeri looked out the window, noticing that it was only drizzling mildly. She quickly rose up, hanging the blanket over the arm rest. “I gotta go, thank you for er... Everything?” she hadn't asked about what Minho told Han, but there was always a next time, right?

“The fuck no, you're not leaving.”

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What does ‘Bad’ reminds you of?

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