🍁: 46

41 12 29

Third person

   “Oh hi Taeri, nice to see you again.”

Taeri waved at the younger, who was lazily perched on the sofa, he wiggled his brows with a brazen grin on. It was the second time she was visiting this week and this was on Jeongin's request. The ginger haired got in from of Taeri, blocking her away from his brother's view, giving him a warning look to keep shut.

“Hi, uh. . . Um,” Taeri paused her lips. Indeed she had forgotten his name and this made Jeongin titter, pulling her up with him. “I'm really sorry I forgot your name, I'll get it next time.”

“Can you pretend to never know his name? He hates that.”

“I for real couldn't remember.”

“Oh? That's great, too,” Jeongin beamed, finally into his room which he made sure to clean this time and everything were in other, even his little fantasy books were tucked in this time.

“That's mean,” Taeri gawked at him, throwing her bag on his chair. “Hmm, you cleaned this time,” she noticed, gazing at this book shelf, finding it really cute that the ginger haired was into reading.

“Mhm...” Jeongin hopped right into his bed, with a huff. He pushed away his fringe, grinning. “...just for you.”

“Right,” Taeri turned away from him, trying to hide her crimson face, her arms crossed. “We should probably study if I'd want to go back early.”

“Whoever said I would let you go, hm?” Taeri flinched when Jeongin engulfed her smaller frame in a back hug, his teeth nipping on her nape.

“Bitch what?” startled by this, Taeri quickly slipped out of his grip, wide eyed. Her hand pressed over the throbbing spot he had bit.

“You heard me, consider it another sleepover,” an for the entire time, Taeri stayed indistinct, barely giving full answers and would avoid conversations, which was now a new habits of hers. Another reason the ginger haired invited her over, he thought she was uncomfortable at college cause of the pressure weighed on her. “Why don't you stare at me like that anymore? I use to like it.”

“Huh?” Taeri looked away from her book. “Like how?”

Jeongin leaned on the backrest, crossing his arms behind his head. “You know, with heart eyes and shit, but now you look scared,” a paused. “What did they tell you this time? Was it Seungmin?”

Taeri shook her head, faltering with her words. “It's nothing, you're just imagining things, dummy,” she quickly turned back to her book, highlighting a random line, Jeongin's gaze not breaking away from her. “And why would you assume it's Seungmin?”

“I don't like you talking to him.”

“Why? Do you hate Minnie?”

“No, we're friends, he's just too sly,” Jeongin frowned when Taeri gave him a look of disbelieve. He laughed heartily, tousling his fingers through her hair. “Are you mad I have other friends?”

“No, I just thought you had no friends.” Taeri hummed lowly.

“I have lots, But you're still my number one, okay?”

“Were you friends with Hyunjin and Han?”

“Yeah, we were a big group of eight, but they died and Chan left, Lee know became more of an asshole, Seungmin and Felix cut off the outside world, I just mostly talk to Changbin Hyung now,” Jeongin placed his folded arms on his desk, resting his cheeks on then, his lips curved into a pout.

Taeri sighed, playing with strands his hair. “I'm sorry?”

She retreated her hand, only for the taller to mildly yank it back. “Don't stop,” he murmured, his eyes slowly shutting.

“Yah! I need to study,” Taeri smacked his head with her pen, causing him to jerk up with a groan. Now the ravenette felt somewhat bad that she was using him. She had no clue about what's next, if she would be able to help Han and Hyunjin. If she did, will she even be free from the people at the top? Leaving the city was just another opinion too big to handle.

Taeri glanced at the clock, noticing that she only had a few minutes left, the sleep already getting to her, while Jeongin seemed fine, still ambling with ecstasy. She took note of that, he wasn't the one that could go into purgatory, he even took her home that one time without the deadline getting to him. Now she knew for sure it was Minho.

The ginger haired noticed how she was trying hard not to doze off and this made him sigh, using his hands to cover her eyes. “Go to sleep, Taeri, there's no need to be afraid.”

“I'm not afraid,” Taeri lied, her voice low.

----------------• ° -🤎- ° •------------------

I think I've called Taeri a brunette before? I'm sorry for that, she has black hair

I just have too many ongoing books right now and I even mix up their names sometimes

What does ‘City’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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