🍁: 39

41 14 15

Third person

      “You're finally back, I was starting to get worried.”

Taeri dropped her bag, the thud grabbing her sister's attention. At that moment she felt lifeless and on the brink of giving everything up. She was only grateful that Felix interrupted Seungmin on time, who knows how far he could've gone. Something was obviously wrong with these boys that was for sure. Using subject pronouns and Seungmin mention something about a rule, they were secretive and knew about purgatory. Taeri couldn't help but wonder if they were in a cult or something.

“Gosh, we barely see each other these days and you look so trashed up,” Jiwon walked up to her younger sister, trying to put her hair in order.

Taeri swayed away from her. “College,” she murmured, looking atop the stairs.

“Damn, I haven't seen you stress this much about school. You look as pale as Casper,” the taller placed her hand on Taeri's forehead, frowning when she felt just how high her temperature was. “You're burning up too, Tae. Are you sure it's just college?”

Taeri nodded, her eyes threatening to shut at any moment. She just wanted to lay in bed and possibly don't fall asleep, cause it was the same problem happening in her dreams too.

She should've listened to Jeongin. It all made sense now, he was trying to keep her away from people, he was aware. Seungmin was just a trickster, acting all coy cause of some rule, Felix was just another crazy person that stays quiet in public. Minho was another definition of insane, almost psychotic. Only Jeongin was real and didn't necessarily posed as any form of threat.

But what were they all hiding?

“Jeongin dropped by this evening,” Jiwon words made Taeri halt, frozen atop the stairs. “He said he needed to speak to you. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I've just been ignoring him for a while now,” Taeri sighed, her head tilted up, she had her gaze pinned on the ceiling, her lips slightly parted. “I don't feel so good, Ji.”

“Then rest, everything will feel better soon.”

Her sister's words kept playing like a broken record in Taeri's head. She was laid on her bed, unable to fight away how drawsy she was getting.

“How do they keep finding out?” Taeri maffle under her breath. Felix and seungmin knew about her slipping into purgatory. Jeongin hadn't mentioned such and he was the person closest to her. He hasn't even talked about these sort of things. Taeri knew he wasn't part of whatever was going on. It seemed to be a secret that they refused to let people know.

But who was actually putting out these? Who else goes into purgatory like Chan mentioned?

“Minho,” Taeri gasped in realization. Chan didn't sound too found of him, and he used the term ‘brat’. Minho was actually the first to display such habits and he knew what she was up to from the very start and was trying to cease her from proceeding with it. “I should ask Chan to confirm,” Taeri murmured, looking at her table clock.


Her phone was in her bag downstairs and she only had two minutes left to get it, downstairs wasn't that far, right? “C'mon Taeri,” the black haired tried lifting herself up, but it seems like she was glued to her bed. Was there even a need to ask anymore? Her thoughts shuddered.

Obviously, Minho was the medium.

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What does ‘Thunder’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

And he is back, yeah, Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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