🍁: 23

63 13 18

Third person

     “Good afternoon, ma'am. Han and I were classmates.”

Taeri smiled faintly at the older lady. She wanted to appear as composed as possible. Han had explained how strick his mom was and there was a higher percent chance that she wouldn't even let her in. But it was worth a shot, that was the easiest chance there was for Taeri to get Chan's number. It was way more better than going around college asking for some guy who left after his senior year.

“Hannie?” the lady's voice was low and weak, emitting just how drained of life she was. “He never mentioned a female friend,” she rubbed her eyes tiredly, humming lowly.

Each second she took to comprehend what she just heard, the more anxious Taeri got. She only hoped she doesn't get ask question because she barely knew about the red haired. “We were more like study buddies.”

“Oh? That's more believable,” The brown haired woman sighed, still looking so tired. She pushed herself off the doorframe, ushering Taeri in. “I don't know why you're here. If he was your study buddy, you'd know Hannie left. But I guess make yourself comfortable? Would you like tea?”

Did she want tea? Not really. She had to ask for what actually brought her here.

“He had a fit before he left,” Mrs Han voice was still monotonous and would drag on. She slowly push the door opened, revealing her son's room. “His room is always so tidy, he must've been so angry.”

“Han gets angry?” Taeri couldn't help but ask.

“Rarely, but when he does it's really bad,” She hesitated to step in. In all the days that Han has been away, she had never stepped a foot into the room, and would always watch for a while mustering the courage to do so. She could never find it, only backing out the last minute. “I told him to clean up before he leaves with Hyunjin, he said he will when he's back. And I'm still waiting. I'm waiting for my Han to come clean up. What's taking him so long? He was only going out to study.”

“Isn't he done?” Mrs Han couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She had finally let out all the thoughts that were bottled up and it made her feel like all her dams were broken. She knew he was gone forever, but that nagging voice kept telling her that he wasn't, that it was just another Han Jisung that looks exactly like her child. “I'm sorry, just please, give me a minute.”

Taeri bowed at the weeping lady, giving her the privacy she needed.

“Oh man, what made him this mad?” Taeri mumbled to herself, gulping as she took in the sight in front of her. His room was totally trashed up, clothes all over the place, his books were scattered and torn up. Objects were broken and even his lamp too. But what caught Taeri's attention was the dried up blood stain on his white wall. It had fingerprints that trailed down.

I must've been angry.’

Han's words the first day they met replayed in her head, making the black haired sigh. “Poor Han.”

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