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Once we reach Kentucky Lee drives us to what I assume is his house. It looks fairly homely and has cute little garden gnomes in the front garden.

We end up parking in the back garden. Lee gets out of the car and gets a key from an old grill and then I get out of the car and follow him inside.

"It's my Aunt's place. She died in March. My house is on the other side of that plant but we'll stay here. I just can't be seen in this town is all. Do you need to know why?"

I noticed the nuclear power plant before, when we were driving around. I don't know why Lee is so sassy. There's no need.
"No." I don't push him to say anything.

I look around and notice the dining table is packed with files. I wonder what they could be for.
"What's going to happen to all this stuff?"
"My mum's cleaning it out, but she's got school. She's a teacher."

I go to flick on the light but Lee stops me.
"Better if we leave them off. Don't open any windows, either. Just for tonight. I'll be back in a while. I'm going to take Kayla to the lot behind the mall and then on the back roads if she can handle it." It's sweet that he's going to do that for his sister. It's a shame he doesn't spend as much time with her as normal siblings would. I think Lee makes a great older brother.
"Your sister's name is Kayla?"
"I call her "Kay" to her face. Or "Idiot." You can snoop around if you want. Just know my aunt was a very boring lady."

I love that Lee gave me permission to be nosey. As if he had read my mind or something.

I take my time looking around to see if I can find anything interesting, but Lee was right. She wasn't very interesting.

I eventually find some family pictures and there is one with Lee wearing a Robin Hood hat and he isn't smiling at all.

I go to the dining room and see Lee went and got some takeaway. He seems really happy for some reason. I wonder why.

"Take whatever you want." He lays the sandwiches out.
"It went well?" I'd assume so anyway, he looks elated.
"So fun. She's a natural. We only spent ten minutes behind the mall and then she was ready for the real roads." It's so cute hearing Lee talk so highly of his sister. He must really love her.

"It's going to get dark in a bit. There's a den downstairs. We can block the window and watch some of those M.A.S
H. tapes." No way Lee is suggesting we have a sleepover. I would never have made out Lee to be as sweet as he actually is.
"I do love that show."
"See?! See? Fuck the Fatherland. We're having a good time. A god damned slumber party!"

I love this side of him. He's so precious and sweet. But I couldn't get over the hooker thing I found.
"You're right, by the way. Your aunt was pretty boring. But why does she have a placement for hookers." I found it before I found the picture of Lee.

He thinks for a moment and then laughs hard. He's about to explain but he gets cut off by a bang of the door opening.

A girl a few years younger than me barges in and she looks pissed. I think it might be his sister. She has really interesting hair and a paper ball in her hand which she throws at Lee.
"Nice work, you motard. I already found this note you put in my purse. You're leaving?! Already?" I'm going to assume it's his sister. I feel bad for her. Maybe Lee doesn't love her as much as I truly thought so that he has to write a note when he leaves. Poor girl. She doesn't need to have a brother who just comes and goes whenever he pleases.

"Kayla, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), Kayla." I feel like this isn't the best introduction.
"Fucking asshole. You said you were going to stick around this time..."

Lee stands up with his hands out.
"Chill chill chill. I'll be back in a few weeks. Something came up..." I feel like I should be here for this argument.
"I don't believe you anymore, Lee. Where are you even going anyway? Don't you need a job?" Kayla doesn't seem as pissed before but she seems more disappointed and let down than anything.
"I have a job. It's out of town." Well that's a lie.

Lee looks at me with hurt in his eyes. He had been in such a good mood earlier but he crashed down from his high.

"Come on, let's go outside," he says to Kayla.

"I mean... you're such a liar. Is there anything you don't lie about?" Well that was a bit harsh.

"I want to talk to you outside." He marches her out to the back garden while they continue to squabble.

I can still hear them despite the wall but us.
"You don't miss me when you're gone?" Oh no, she probably thinks he doesn't care about her. Which I'm sure he does with the way she spoke about her driving skills before.

"You're the only person I miss. I call, don't I?" That's sweet I knew he cared about her. But Kayla's next question catches me off guard.

"Is that your girlfriend...?" I wish I was.

"That's my friend friend. Maybe you can meet her some other time. We can't stay. I just wanted to take you driving like I said I would." At least he thinks of me as a friend. It's nice to know he kept his word for her, though.

"I hate that you do this. Dad did this. And then he left for good. Don't you understand? Every time you leave, were fucking terrified." I don't think Lee really understands that he has consequences to his actions but it's not like he can stay in one place for very long. None of us can.

"I'll see you as soon as I can ok?" Why is he just dismissing her like that?
"Whatever. You're not listening to me... And you look like a faggot in that fucking shirt." Ouch that one must have stung. His shirt is a bit bold if I had to be honest. But he still looks great.

"I heard you the first three times you said it." Oh? He didn't say anything degrading back. How sweet.
"Fuck you Lee. Honestly, fuck you."

Lee comes back in and I watch him roll his shoulder. I don't know if he knows I heard everything, but I don't know how to make it seem like I didn't. It's good that he wasn't a dickhead to her like most brothers are to their sisters. Apart from the fact that he keeps coming and going whenever.

"We'll go tonight. She's not so good at hiding things. And if my mum finds out I'm here, she'll come by next... Let me spare you that." I just wanted me and Lee to have our sleepover.

He takes off his shirt and his entire demeanor has plummeted.

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