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After school me and my dad went grocery shopping which wasn't too eventful but he allowed me to drive us home. I'd been needing to practice driving recently. Not for any specific reason, mainly because it's one of those skills in life that you should just know like swimming, skiing, roller skating, diving. But driving is one of the more important skills that you will actually end up valuing. When we get back I carefully park the car and help my dad by taking some of the groceries to the trailer and I notice how grey the afternoon is.
"That was good on the road. You've got to work on your parking - but good," I hear him praise me. It's nice to know be hadn't been truly disappointed in me because of my past even though he probably already is. I look up at the sky again.
"Do you think it'll to rain tonight?" I ask and he looks up at the sky just I had been previously.
"I don't think it's supposed to."

Dinner is made and we eat it and when we're finished my dad asks if I have any homework.
"Just some reading," I tell him even though I probably have a lot more homework to do than I let on. I decide to get ready for bed so I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Once I've finished brushing my teeth I leave the bathroom but stop in the hallway as I pocket a screwdriver from a shelf.
"'night dad." My dad was dozing off on the sofa watching some film I didn't know the name of. He gets up once I wish him good night.
"Sleep good." He walks me to my room and shuts the door and locks it from the corridor side. I'm used to it by now. It's just the same old routine.

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