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After driving for some time and look at Lee for a while I've come to terms with his features. His red mullet. His slim build and tall frame. His incredibly sharp jawline. It's like he a work of art you want to hang up on your walk just to show off to your house guests.

Occasionally, throughout the drive, he would take his focus off the road and look over at me but I'd quickly look away, afraid he'd judge me or something like that.

Eventually, we get to a neighborhood that Barry lives... lived in. Lee started driving a lot more slow as he checked to the mailboxes that we drives passed, looking for Barry's address.

Lee finds the house after some time and it is extremely run down. No wonder the guy was drunk his life must be miserable in that house. The house is dark inside so Lee pulls in behind it.

We get out of the car and head for the back door. Lee knocks loudly and it made me jump. He realises and gives me an apologetic look. But then I realise there wasn't a response to the knock. There was no dog barking, no baby crying, no lights turned on. Absolutely nothing.

Knowing there was most likely no one home, Lee puts the key on the lock and unlocked the door and we both go in.

This house is a tip. There's rubbish everywhere. Not even empty, pizza boxes, definitely empty beer cans. It's like this guy couldn't afford a bin. On top of the TV I spot two full ashtrays. Barry must not have had a wonderful life.

I also notice a floor to ceiling band poster that takes up the whole wall. At least he had a passion. I stop staring around and my attention is drawn to Lee when he says,
""Lick It Up." That's the one where they stopped wearing makeup." Jesus this guy waffles.
"Who?" My confusion was displayed very clearly in the way I asked.
"You were homeschooled, I guess? It smells like he's been getting stoned in here for thirty years. How do you live in this country and not know who Kiss is?!" I just stare at him blankly. What an interesting guy.

He turns and lays his eyes upon Barry's turntable and a foot locker of LPs. He crouches over it until he finds Kiss' Lick It Up I assume.
"Wait! Here it is." He puts it on the turn table and when the music starts it's so fucking loud, so he turns it down. That probably woke up some neighbours.

He then starts making his way around the room lip syncing and singing to the song. He jumps up on the couch as he continues to dance and I'm not quite sure how to react. I'd start dancing but I don't know the song. Or Lee now that I really think about it.

He stops dancing for a moment when he comes up to a mirror and notices he still has blood covering him.
"I'm gonna take a shower." I'd hope so. But there's still some of the house we haven't checked.
"Will you check the house first?" He nods at me and squeezes past me in the doorway. But I can't ignore how he body brushed against mine as he did.

I look down and see a very graphic magazine, which is just gross. This Barry guy wasn't the best of characters. At all. I try to sit down and relax but I feel like I can't in this place.

I eventually started feeling hungry so I went to the kitchen and pull out some Micro Magic fries out from the freezer and chuck them in the microwave.

I take out my map and try to figure where we are roughly but then Lee comes on showered and with a peculiar shirt.
"He's got all of M.A.S.H. on tape in there! Even the fucking finale. Do you know how rare that is?!" No infact I didn't know how rare that is. I've never seen someone else so passionate about what music somebody else has.

He comes and sits with me at the table while I eat my fries. He has some of Barry's letters and he opens one of them and starts reading it.
"Born in Louisiana. That explains the accent. His mum's got stomach cancer. Post-marked four months ago. He never even opened it." Jesus what a dickhead.
"Does it help knowing he was a shit?"
"Who needs help? An animal wouldn't need help. I just find it interesting." I don't understand how could feel some kind of remorse. Let alone find any of that interesting. But I couldn't ignore his little comment.
"You think we're animals?" He simply just shrugs. He's not very sociable. It's like he doesn't often talk to people or spend time with them.
"I know we are and I mean everyone not just us. We need what we need, right? But everyone tries to make themselves feel bad about it. I can't. I look around and see animals and it all makes sense to me. It's late, we may as well stay." I'm glad I could finally find out how he views the world. I guess, in some light, you could call this getting to know him. Or me trying to understand his weird way of thinking.
"Is this... how you live?"
"Not every night, but yeah, sometimes. Take the bedroom. Lock the door if you want to. I won't be offended just... I hope you don't get seasick." Well that was nice of him. What a gentleman.

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