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A/N hope yous enjoy this one 🤭

Me and Lee are back on the road again. And at some point during the night yesterday I realised I had gained huge feelings for him. I don't know what it is specifically but it could be because of a lot of things. His smile. How much he cares about his sister. How kind hearted he is. How fucking sharp his jawline is.

I come out of my thoughts when Lee parks somewhere. We both get out of the car but I can't tell if he's still upset or not but then he turns to me with a shy smile and asks,
"How do you feel about robbing a place?"

I wasn't expecting that but knowing Lee it's not going to be robbing any old place.
"Whose place?"
"A company." That's incredibly vague, it must be someone personal.
"Family owned?"
"I like that question." I like you.
I would never tell him that, though. He said so himself he only sees me as a friend.

"Not anymore." That's an interesting answer.

Lee leads me to a fence and I can hear cows I think. It looks like a farm but more fancy. We both climb over the fence.

"My uncle worked here. Forty years. It belonged to a local family, but JLB finally bought 'em out. They let my uncle go three weeks before his retirement. I've done this before. I have his old set of keys. And they still haven't changed the locks. Someday they'll wise up." Maybe this isn't the best idea? I mean this place has to be secured somehow. But it's ok because Lee's done it before. Right?

"Aren't there guards?" I have to know if I need to keep an eye out or what.
"Yeah, Dale. Can't hear in two ears." Oh well that's unfortunate. For him, not for us.

We run and hide behind a muddy wall of an outbuilding. I am officially invested in this robbing scheme.
"Are we robbing the safe?" When I ask, Lee looks at me like he didn't think I would actually be so up for this. But to be fair neither did I.
"I can't get in there. But there's a cafe for visitors. They don't lock up the petty cash at night. It's probably less than a hundred bucks, but we can definitely use it." Of course we can use it. But who on god's green earth would be visiting this place which I only just realised what it was.
"Visitors? To a slaughterhouse?"

We keep walking and eventually reach the cafe. We duck behind the counter and walk further in. The cafe is creepy as hell, it's so dark and eerie.

"Wait here. Stay down in case he shines his flashlight in here." I do as he tells me to and he leaves for a bit.

He comes back with a wad of cash and gives it to me.
"You be the bank." I crouch down and put the cash in my left boot.

"Wait. I want to show you something." What could he possibly want to show me in a slaughterhouse? But it's not like I'm going to refuse to see.

He leads us to the barn's catwalk, where you can see a bunch of cows lowing and grunting with music playing over some speakers. We sit down on the catwalk with our legs dangling over the edge.

"Music's supposed to keep them calm. " Aww poor things.
"Seems like admission of something, doesn't it? Do you think your sister has any idea? About you I mean." Surely she must know at least something.

"She knows something's up. I hope my mum buys a new car and gives Kay her old one. I just want her to be able to leave if she wants. All you need is a car that runs." Lee is so kind and thoughtful. He's such a sweet guy.
"If it wasn't for you know what I would be stuck somewhere myself."

We see the security guard pass outside, completely oblivious to us.
"You ever think: every one of them has a mum and a dad... maybe sister and brothers. Cousins, kids. Friends, even." It's sad to think about really, but it's true. They're just like us.

"A language. Listen to 'em." I look out and listen to them and look back down and realise me and Lee's hands are side by side.

"You never told me what's in Minnesota anyway." Did I not? Well it's not like I want to go shouting it from a rooftop.
"My mum."
"She lives there?" That made me realise how much of a stretch this whole thing could be. But with Lee now, it wouldn't be a complete waste of my time.

"I don't know. I don't even know if she's alive. I just know the name of the town she was born in." Ok now it sounds like a huge stretch. He probably thinks I'm an idiot for going off of one thing.

"It might take a while to track her down. It might even be a dead end." I hope it's not.
"It's all I have." I realise how stupid this whole thing sounds. How the hell am I supposed to find my mum by myself when I'm so new to this whole situation?

"Then that's where we'll start. I can take you. It's a lot of driving but I'm up for it if you are. We can take our time. See the country. Well Missouri and Iowa anyway." He'd really do that? For me?
"I've never been to either."

I look at him and only just realise how close we are to each other. I hesitate but I run my hand through his hair, like I've wanted to since the moment we met. He leans in closer and his lips are on mine. Like everything Lee does it's intense and careful. This is like a dream come true I can believe it's actually happening. I would never have assumed Lee liked me back. The kiss grows more passionate and we don't stop. Not for a long while. We leave and I feel on top of the fucking world.

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