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"What do you mean you're bringing a friend?"

I was standing in the middle of the frozen section of the grocery store when I got the call from Nate.

"He's a good friend of mine, L. We both got on leave at the same time and I offered him a place to stay."

I put my hand to my temple in frustration. The house that I currently lived in originally belonged to mine and Nate's parents. When they passed away, they willed it to both of us. Since Nate was in the Army, he was always overseas.

We've been talking pretty regularly over the past few weeks, and not once he has he mentioned that he wanted to bring a friend home with him. "Nate, I don't know your friend. That seems a little awkward. Can't he stay at a hotel?"

That would make things a lot easier on me. Especially because, knowing my big brother, he was going to be chasing after one of his ex-girlfriend's as soon as his flight landed. I definitely didn't want to be stuck in my home alone with a stranger.

"L, I've known this guy for two years. He's saved my ass more times than I can count. He doesn't have any family or friends in the states. Please do this for me." Nate begged.

My eye slid closed and I let out a long breath. Nate and I knew what it was like to not have a family. After our parents died, it was just the two of us. No extended family in our lives or anything. Even though I was a little uncomfortable with this, I didn't want to disappoint him. Besides, this seemed to mean a lot to him and I didn't want to spend his leave arguing about it. It's been almost two years since I got to see him last, and I wanted to enjoy this time with him.

"Okay, Nate. When does your flight get in?"

"Our flight gets in around four this afternoon," Nate explained. "Can we meet for some drinks and dinner? Do you know a good place?"

I glanced to Harper, who was standing next to me. I've known Harper since we were kids and we both taught at the same elementary school. She tagged along with me today to get some groceries and was currently staring at me with wide eyes.

"Yes," I said to Nate. "I'll meet you at Down the Rabbit Hole."

"See you later, baby sis. Hey. . . thank you. This means a lot to me." Nate said softly before hanging up.

I slid my phone in my purse as Harper asked, "What the hell was that?"

I waved my hand in the air. "You know how I told you that Nate was coming back today right?" She nodded and I continued, "Well, he's apparently bringing a friend along with him. To stay in our house."

Harper frowned. "A friend? What friend? And please tell me it's not a girl."

I scoffed at what she said. "I think I would rather it be a girl. But, no it's one of his Army buddies. Apparently they're really close."

One thing that surprised me was the fact that he never mentioned this friend before. One of all the time Nate and I have emailed, written letters, or talked on the phone, not once he has he mentioned him. Then again, he rarely talked about anything or anyone regarding the Army. When he first enlisted, I got upset and felt like he was keeping things from me. But my parents explained the types of things he sees over there and how hard they try to bury those memories. After that, I stopped asking.

"Well, maybe it won't be so bad. I mean, Nate is a pretty good judge of character." Harper started was we continued walking down the aisle.

"Yeah, he better be. Especially if he's staying in my house." As we walked a little further, I stopped to grab some frozen yogurt from the shelf. "Do you have plans tonight?"

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now