41| Brothers

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Ayden Sawyer

"Ayden, what the fuck are you talking about?" Nate asked again.

When he said he knew everything regarding Lanie and I, I thought that literally meant everything. He said he spoke to her, so I was under the impression that she told him we were in a relationship and that she was pregnant. By the shocked and ashen look on his face, clearly that wasn't the case.

There was no putting that Genie back in the bottle. I let out a frustrated breath before I finally answered him. "Lanie's pregnant. We are pregnant."

We stood in silence for several minutes. I honestly wish I knew what Nate was thinking right now. Was he going to hit me? I mean, it was kind of justified. He did warn me not to make a move on Lanie. Now I just dropped a bomb on him that I did a lot more than simply make a move. I got his baby sister pregnant.

As soon as I opened my mouth to apologize, he came at me. He came at me and-- hugged me. I was so stunned, that I didn't move. I was frozen.

"Ayden, this is when you hug me back."

When I wrapped my arms around him, he laughed and patted me on the back. I was completely surprised by his reaction. I was not expecting this.

He pulled away from me and had the biggest smile on his face. "A baby?" He asked incredulously and his smile got even bigger. "I can't believe this."

Neither could I. "You're not pissed at me? You warned me not to do anything with your sister. She's pregnant, Nate. I was expecting a right hook from you. Not a hug."

Nate chuckled before looking away sheepishly. "Actually, Ayden, I have something to confess to you." His face turned serious. "I set this whole thing up. I invited you over for Christmas, because I wanted you and my sister to get together."

I lifted my hands and shook my head. "Wait-- you did what?" What the hell was he talking about? There was no way that. . . He knew how I felt about dating. Why would he. . . ? Christ. I was losing it.

Nate shrugged before he continued. "I've known you a long time, Ayden. My sister needed someone like you. She deserved someone like you. I know how you felt about relationship and trusting people, so I thought that--"

"You thought that what, Nate? That it was okay to set me up with someone? What the hell were you thinking?" I knew how I was coming off. But I couldn't help it. I was exhausted, hot, dehydrated, injured, and of course I just found out my best friend set me up. That alone set off a whole new range of emotions. Anger, surprise, betrayal. I was so sure that Lanie was being honest with me. Was she faking the whole worry thing about her brother? She had to be. "God, I feel like an idiot. I can't believe you and Lanie would do this. I thought I knew her. I thought I knew you."

Nate's expression turned angry. "Are you fucking serious?" He got in my face, but I held my ground. "Lanie had no idea about anything I did. If you really knew her, you wouldn't question that."

He scoffed and took a few steps away from me. I shook my head to try to clear it. "She- she didn't know?"

He turned back to me with a look that said I was an idiot. "Of course she didn't. All I did was invite you over for Christmas. I was hoping that you and Lanie would hit it off. But I wanted it to be natural. She had no idea I was involved." He snickered. "Believe me, she would kill me if she knew. I meddled in her life one to many times already."

I tried to process everything he said. He was right. Lanie wouldn't do something like that. But. . . "Why did you want she and I together?"

The anger faded away from his expression. "She's been through a lot of heartbreak. I want her to be happy. I thought you could do that for her." His voice turned quiet. "I know you have trust issues, Ayden, and I would never interfere with your life. I just thought she was good for you." He shrugged a shoulder. "And if it didn't work out, I wasn't going to say anything. But I was hoping. Why do you think I was hanging out with Jules so much?"

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now