21| The Letter

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One Week Later

"Miss Jenkins, is it lunch time yet?"

I looked up from my desk to the clock. "Yes, James." I stood up and clapped my hands together. "Okay, class! Put your things away. It's time for lunch!"

After about ten minutes of me getting onto them about cleaning up their stuff, the classroom looked somewhat in order. "Single file line, guys! Josie, stop pushing her!"

"Sorry, Miss. Jenkins." Josie apologized.

I wasn't going to lie, teaching fifth graders was definitely a challenge. They were loud, energetic, and didn't always follow the rules. But at the end of the day, it was worth it. I loved teaching. I loved feeling like I was helping shape their young minds before they move on to middle school. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Follow me and stay together." I started walking towards the cafeteria and my stomach growled. I was freaking starving. It was my first day back after winter break and I was definitely not back in the swing of things. It took more energy than I had to wake up on time this morning. I somehow managed to drag myself out of the bed and get the coffee machine working. I made a HUGE cup of coffee before I resorted to adding makeup to cover the bags under my eyes.

The past week had definitely been rough. I spoke to Nate twice since he got back. The first time was a quick one just letting me know that he and Ayden made it okay. The second call was just to talk. We spoke for a little over an hour and it was nice. I already missed him like crazy. I couldn't wait for these three months to be over.

"Here we are," I announced when we got to the cafeteria. "Please behave."

After the kids got there food and were settled in their seats, I walked over to the table where Harper was waiting for me. The one good thing about working with your best friend is that you could have girl time at work.

"Hey, girl!" Harper waved at me as I came and sat next to her.

"Hey." I breathed; exhaustion and stress was clear in my tone. I was counting down the multiple until I could get home and unwind.

"How's your first day been?" She asked with concern. I knew what she was really asking; and it wasn't about school.

"I'm fine, Harp. Just the usual stuff."

"Have you spoken to him?"

Him equaled Ayden. "No, I haven't. No many times do I have to tell you we were just friends. It was something we both agreed to and honored. Neither of us mentioned writing to the other or calling. We don't even have each other's numbers. We're friends."

"The sketch?"

Christ, she was such an interrogator. "He also gave me one for Christmas. He draws. It's what he does. I'm not going to look too much into it." I blew out a puff of air. "By the way, what's up with you and Jackson?"

She looked at me with wide eyes. "What? How--"

"I may have been off my game lately, but your psychic bestie is back. 'Fess up. What's going on with you two?"

Harper flipped her hair before she answered my question. "My mom's been trying to talk to me. I don't want to speak to her and Jackson doesn't like that."

"He's using the whole 'if my mom was here I would give anything to talk to her' speech, isn't he?"

Harper eyes me suspiciously. "Yes. . . I get it. But his mom was a sweetheart. She was such a good person and I knew he misses her. My mom is not a niece person. First, she tried to force me to get married to someone I didn't love for her own personal gain. Then, she made a contract with stipulations about it. Most importantly, she sent in a forget letter of resignation here, to my job, in an attempt to get me to work for Ryan's dad. It's not as easy as Jackson thinks."

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now