64| Dead Meat

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Ayden Sawyer

"So, when are you going to propose to my little sister?"

I looked across the table to Nate. By some miracle, I was able to drag him out of the house and we have been sitting at Down the Rabbit Hole for about an hour. I felt for the guy. I knew how hard it was coming back from the war. I wasn't all the way better myself. But if there was something I could for him, I was going to do it.

"Soon. I got the rings a few days ago."

Nate paused as he was about to take a swig of his beer. "What? You got it? When?" He held his hand out. "Lemme see it."

The other day when I told Lanie I needed to run errands, one of them was ring shopping. I knew she was suspicious of me because I wasn't the type of guy to run errands, but she seemed fine wen I got back home. Perhaps because while I was out, I picked up her favorite ice cream.

I went to three different jewelry stores before I found the perfect ring. It wasn't something overly extravagant or crazy expensive. It was something that fit Lanie perfectly. Don't get me wrong, I still spent a pretty penny on it, but I wanted to get something that suited her personailty.

I knew she was the type of woman who preferred something personal and meaningful rather than just a big rock on her finger. I was determined to find it. And I did. I pulled the small box from my pocket and handed it to Nate. He took it from me and leaned back in his chair before he opened it.

"Holy shit," he breathed as he took in the ring. There was sapphire in the middle with a diamond on either side. "This is perfect for her. Where did you get it?"

"A little hole-in-the-wall place in Chinatown."

Nate sat the box down and cocked his head to the side. "Was this when you had to do 'errands'?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "I didn't disguise that well, did I?"

"She was a little curious where you went, but she didn't suspect anything." Nate let out a long breath and handed me back the ring. "She was too busy tearing me one to worry about you."

I knew Lanie was worried about Nate and his health, but I was still surprised his words. "About what?" I asked curiously.

"Physical therapy, actually." He ran a hand over his face and took a drink of his beer. "She's right. Every single thing she said was right. I need to get it together. Therapy helps. You know, the taking helps. But I need to fix my legs. The longer I wait, the worse it's going to get."

"Did you make an appointment?"

He shook his head. "Not yet. I'm going to call tomorrow and see what I can do."

"That's good, Nate. Did you tell her you're going to go?"

"I'm going to wait until I made the appointment. The less I can disappoint her, the better."

I scoffed at that. Wasn't that the truth. Lanie was an extraordinary person. How someone could hurt her was beyond me. I was still hoping the day would come where I got to teach that asshole ex of hers a lesson. The more she told me about him, the more I wanted to pummel his face. One day.

My cellphone went off and I frowned as I retrieved it from my pocket. "Fuck." I said when the caller-ID.

"Who is it?" Nate asked.

"It's Collins." I clicked the accept button. "Sawyer," I answered.

Nate studied my expression as I listened to our superior on the other line.

"Sawyer, it's good to speak to you. How are you and Jenkin's holding up?"

"We're okay, sir. On the mend."

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now