27| Old Flames

21 0 0

One Week Later

"Klondike Bars? Or ice cream sandwiches? Klondike Bars? Or ice cream sandwiches?"

I stood in front of the frozen food section at the grocery store. I've been debating over what kind of ice cream I should get. My ability to concentrate has been more screwed up than ever. It's been a week since I talk to Nate or Ayden. No emails, no letters, no nothing. Radio silence. This led to my inability to make a simple choice like this one.

"Fuck it. I'll just get both." I gave up and put both items in my cart. I loved ice cream and I knew I would eat it at some point. I was surprised I didn't get my usual, but it just didn't seem like it was going to hit the spot. Maybe I'll get some cake, too. Oh! And triple chunk chocolate cookies.

"See, this is why you don't stop when you're starving." I said to myself. Eh, what the hell. I could use the comfort food.

The past school week has been exceptionally brutal. Besides being worried about my brother and my-- boyfriend, I haven't been feeling well. There were a few kids in my class that had been sick with the flu. I was pretty sure I had it. Great. Just fucking great. My birthday was a couple of days away and I was going to be sick. I didn't care. I was going to that concert, one way or another.

I continued down the isles of the grocery store. I picked up some saltines before I found myself standing in front of the soup isle. It had been so long since I had soup, and since I was feeling like crap, I grabbed a few cans of Progresso Chicken Noodle. Maybe it would help me feel better. I started pushing my cart towards the soda aisle. I wasn't a big soda drinker, but if I was sick, Ginger Ale would do me good.

When I passed by the Doritos, I couldn't help but throw some in the cart. I was stress eating. I was freaking out about Nate and Ayden, and I was stress eating. Disgusted with myself, I pulled out my phone and texted Harper.

Me: Can you meet at my place? I'm in desperate need of some girl time.

Her reply was instant. Harper: Of course I can. Sleep over?

I was surprised by her offer. So surprised my eyes almost started to tear up.

Me: Will the Greek God share you?

Harper: Lol you know I got him tied around my finger. Let's do it. It's been a long time.

Me: It's a date. I got plenty of snacks and we can order in.

Harper: Deal. I'll get my stuff together and meet you there. I'll bring some movies.

I slid my phone in my pocket and grabbed a few things I knew Harper liked. Deciding to indulge in a bottle of wine, I started walking towards the back of the store. I couldn't wait to get home now. A girl's night sleep over thing is just what I needed. I finally got to the wine section and started looking for a good white for me.


Oh. . . God. I knew that voice. I dated that voice. That voice cheated on me. Since I knew I had nowhere to run, I slowly turned towards the worst mistake of my life.

"Adam." Your selfish son-of-a-bitch.

He smiled like the jackass he was as he took a few steps towards me. He looked the same as I remembered him. Six feet tall, dark hair, brown eyes, and a face that was devilishly charming. Thankfully, it no longer had any effect on me. Well, I did still want to punch that face.

"Wow, how long has it been?" He asked.

Really? REALLY? "Um, I'm pretty sure the last time we saw each other was when I caught you in bed with those two other women."

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now