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One Week Later

"What do you mean I'm being discharged?" Ayden asked the doctor standing in his hospital room.

I squeezed his hand as I stood next to his bed. It's been a week since our little romantic rendezvous in this very room. He's been getting more mobile and has been behaving himself. Let's just say, he started getting more motivation. He's been eating well, doing the exercises the doctor wanted while he was in the cast, and hasn't been bickering with me about sleeping next to him here instead of going back to Harper's.

The doctor looked at us with a smile. "You're doing much better. Besides, you have a lovely lady here to help you and keep you in line. I want to see you back here in a couple weeks. Hopefully, we can take your cast off then." His doctor handed me a prescription. "There are two prescriptions here. One for pain and one for inflammation. Please make sure he takes them both. I have feeling this one's going to try to tough it out which will only make it harder on the both of you."

"You got it, doc." I chuckled.

Ayden looked up at me and winked. "Yeah, doc. This one here definitely knows how to make sure I'm a decent patient." I blushed as he turned back towards the doctor. "you got nothing to worry about."

The doctor stay for a few minutes to go over Aydedn's discharge and I sent Harper a text message letting her know he was finally free to go. Her replay back to gave me a pause.

Harp: That's great news! He's welcome to stay with you in the guest bedroom, of course. Let me know if you need an extra key xoxo

When Ayden arrived here, I explained that I had been staying with Harper and Jackson. He was grateful for it and though it was the right place for me with everything that I went through with the baby and my anxiety.

We hadn't talked about where we would stay once he was discharged. Should I go back to Harper's, or to my place? If I as him to go back to my place, would that be the same as asking him to move in with me? I mean now that I thought about it, he didn't have his own place in the city. Deep down, I found myself really hoping that he wanted to stay with me.

After the doctor finally left the room, Ayden wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Baby," he said with a giant smile, "we get to go home."

I smiled back at him but it didn't quite hide my concern; and he noticed it, too.

He reached up and cupped the side of my face. "What's on your mind, Goddess?"

My eyes met his and I nibbled my bottom lip nervously. "Well, you know I've been staying at Harper's for the past couple weeks. I didn't know if we should go back there or back to my place."

He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. "That's not what you're really worried about. Tell me the truth."

"It's probably my crazy hormones, but does this mean that we're going to be, you know, living together?"

I saw the reality of the situation dawn on him. Yeah, exactly. We were both just so happy to get out of the hospital, we hadn't really talked about what would come after it.

He rested his hand on my thigh. "I didn't really think about it that way." he said in a low tone. "Maybe we should talk about it."

"Yeah," I answered as I held his stare, "maybe we should."

There was a long pause before Ayden spoke again. "I know that when I first got here, I told you I wasn't ready to talk about what happened in Afghanistan."

Okay. . . that got my attention. That was the first thing he said when he woke up on this third day here. He knew me well enough to know I had questions. He told me he wasn't ready, but promised he would tell me one day.

Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now