Chapter 01

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Subject: You have been selected for the Horizon Achievement Scholarship

Dear Emily Robinson,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a recipient of the Horizon Achievement Scholarship at Cedar Valley Academy. You have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements and leadership qualities, making you a deserving candidate for this award.

As a recipient, you will receive a full ride scholarship. This scholarship is a recognition of your hard work and potential to excel.

Please review the attached documents further details and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Congratulations once again, and we look forward to welcoming you to Cedar Valley Academy.

Warm regards,

Janice Smith 

Scholarship Committee

 Cedar Valley Academy

As my parents read the email from my university, their faces lit up with joy. Securing the scholarship meant everything to me, knowing I wouldn't burden my father, the sole provider, and my mother, who manages our home. Their happiness was my greatest reward, and in that moment, I felt a deep sense of gratitude and responsibility.

My parents hugged me and my mother started crying in joy. I hugged my mother and gave her a kiss.

"Let's celebrate this occasion, let's go to Deanne's", my father said.

Deanne's was our go to place for any situation. Be it birthdays, anniversaries, or when we were bored to cook at home. 

"Of course!", my mother grinned, "It is a celebration".

"Wait, let me call Sarah. I want to tell her the news as well," I suggested, excitement bubbling within me. My parents nodded in agreement.

I closed my laptop and reached for my phone, dialing Sarah's number. She had been accepted to the university well before me, without even needing to apply for the scholarship.

"Hey Sarah," I spoke into the phone, excitement evident in my voice, "I have some exciting news to tell you."

"Hey Em, what is it? Did you get a car?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Way better," I grinned, unable to contain my excitement. "I got the scholarship at Cedar's!"

"Oh my god! Congratulations, girl! Finally, I have someone I can go to Cedar's with," she congratulated me enthusiastically. "When did you get the letter?"

"A few minutes back," I answered. "They mentioned they're holding an orientation next week on the 25th, so I have to attend it."

She replied, "Yes, I have my orientation on the same day."

"Oh, great," I said. "By the way, we're going to Deanne's. Come with your family to join us."

Sarah laughed, "Of course, I'll let my family know".

"Okay, see you at 8, girl," I ended the call, feeling a surge of excitement. "What a day," I sighed in relaxation, savoring the moment.

"Sarah and her family are joining us for dinner," I informed my parents, and they nodded in approval.

I applied for the scholarship because my new university is 30 minutes away from my place so I won't have to worry about my parents and I could check on them every now and then. Plus, I won't have to pay for the dormitory and food expenses. And most importantly, I would be away from Matt King. My bully.

He was the son of the school's trustee so he had the power to torment me. He hasn't physically bullied me yet but his words hurt a lot. I used to ignore him but somehow he would always catch me anywhere. It started when I used to be attentive during lectures and he used to bully me for being a studious girl. He was a good student in academics as well. Soon, when I started making new friends, he would trouble them too. And slowly and steadily, all of them stopped talking with me due to his fear. Sarah was the only one who stood with me. I endured my senior year somehow and applied for this scholarship.


After a delightful dinner with Sarah's family, I settled down to review the details of my schedule at the university. Pursuing a management degree, I was eager for the journey ahead. With the course spanning two years, I envisioned myself stepping into my dream job upon completion.

My first day at the university was just a week away. All the necessary materials, from textbooks to handouts and even my locker keys, schedule, and student ID, would be provided in the seminar hall. For the first day, all I needed were my scholarship letter, identification documents, and my trusty laptop.

With everything in order, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. My path toward a successful career had officially begun. Living with my supportive parents, I looked forward to the new chapter ahead, free from the troubles of the past. No more Matt King to trouble me; just a fresh start and endless possibilities awaiting me at my new university.

Word count: 781 words

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