Chapter 03

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As the seminar concluded, Chancellor Olivia instructed us to collect our course books from the main office. With classes starting the next day, today served merely as an orientation. Olivia then announced that the orientation had adjourned, giving us permission to proceed to the main office to get our materials.

As we got up and began to move along with the sea of students, I suddenly felt a tight grip around my waist, pulling me against someone's chest. 

"We meet again, pet," he muttered into my ear, his words sending a shiver down my spine. "It's going to be more fun now." I felt goosebumps rise at the back of my neck as his cool breath brushed against my skin. With a lingering touch, he removed his hand from my waist and walked ahead, leaving me in a state of bewilderment.

Words couldn't escape my mouth as I stood there, feeling my mouth grow dry at the sight of him. He noticed me, and now he knew that I would be here every day. My mind flashed back to moments when he would talk down to me in front of other students or make me feel uneasy with his burning gaze whenever I interacted with someone new in the cafeteria. He was the reason I wouldn't dare to go to any of the parties because he would always be there, being the star student of our former school.

Sarah was engrossed in conversation with Josh, so she didn't pay attention to the incident that had just occurred. Feeling unsettled, I decided to keep my mouth shut and quietly slipped out of the hall.

"Emily, are you okay?" Sarah asked me again, concern evident in her voice. "He won't hurt you again," she reassured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Oh boy, you don't have any idea," I muttered to myself silently, the weight of my thoughts pressing heavily on me.

"Yeah, I know," I replied, forcing a nod. "We won't even bump into each other. This university is huge," I reassured myself, hoping it would ease the knot of anxiety in my stomach.

We reached the main office, only to find that the line to get our course books was huge. Sarah and I got into line, patiently waiting our turn. As I glanced around, I noticed that Matt had already received his course books and was chatting with his friends. The sight made my heart sink; he seemed to have effortlessly made new friends here, while back in our old school, he had made sure I didn't have any. But then, I reminded myself of Sarah, a new friend who didn't care about Matt, and I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me.

We finally received our course books and schedule for the semester. Sarah and I were relieved to discover that we had a few classes together, which was a comforting thought. Additionally, we were pleased to find out that our lockers were close to each other, making it easier for us to navigate through the busy halls.

"Josh and I have the same classes every day!" Sarah squealed with excitement. "Better for me to shoot my shot," she added with a mischievous grin.

"Lucky you," I grinned in response. "I'm hungry. Want to check out the cafeteria?"

"Sure!" Sarah nodded eagerly, and we made our way to the cafeteria together. "You know what," she continued, excitement bubbling in her voice, "Josh asked for my number while we were getting out of the hall."

"I hear you, I hear you," I replied, understanding her excitement. Josh was her first crush, and him asking for her number was a huge deal for her.

We reached the cafeteria, bustling with the aroma of freshly prepared food and the sound of students chatting. Colorful posters adorned the walls as cafeteria staff served up a variety of options behind the counter. Students eagerly lined up for their meals before settling into seats among the rows of tables and chairs.

"Oh, look who decides to join us," a voice chuckled from nearby.

Matt appeared right behind us, accompanied by his newly made friends. A smug look adorned his face as he folded his arms across his chest, subtly flexing his muscles.

"We are not," I replied, feeling a surge of unexpected boldness. I was surprised to hear my own tone change, realizing that I no longer felt the same fear I once did when facing the person standing in front of me. I held Sarah's hand tightly, shooting Matt a defiant glare before leading her out of the bustling cafeteria.

"What's his problem?", I huffed.

"He just likes to tick you off," she said sympathetically, "I can't believe he's here too, showing off his star status."

"I know right", I sighed, "Let's just go home".

"Or we could go to Deanne's," she suggested, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously, "I am craving chocolate milkshake".

I smiled, "Not a bad idea".

We left the building and reached the parking lot. Sarah unlocked her car, and we climbed in. With a turn of the ignition, we left the university behind us. We arrived at Deanne's around noon. After ordering burgers and shakes, we settled in and called it a day. While Sarah was busy scrolling on her phone, I took the opportunity to glance through the course books. Suddenly, Sarah's phone rang, breaking the tranquility of our meal.

"Josh is calling," Sarah giggled nervously, showing me the caller ID. "What do I do?" she asked, seeking advice.

"Just be normal and pick up the call," I advised, offering a reassuring smile.

"Hello, hey Josh," she greeted, twirling a strand of hair nervously. "What's up?"

"A party this weekend?" she inquired, glancing at me for confirmation. "Our classes haven't even started, but sure, I would love to come with Emily," she added, nodding in my direction.

"Okay, see you soon. Bye," she giggled, ending the call. "He has invited us both for a party at his place," she informed me in a serious tone.

"Damn, it is too soon for a party", I bit into my fry.

"I know right", she kept her phone away, "I am excited for this party".

"Of course you are", I laughed, "Time to shoot your shot girl".

We discussed more about the party as we finished our meals. With our conversation winding down, it was time for us to leave. Sarah dropped me off at my place, and soon she left for her home. Greeting my mother as I entered, I went to my room to unpack my things. Sitting at my desk, I updated my journal, jotting down the details of the lectures I had in the following week.

Word count: 1090 words

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