Chapter 02

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The day arrived when I had to leave for the university. I was in my room, double-checking whether I had all my documents in my backpack. For my first day, I didn't put in any extra effort to dress up, opting for a black and white striped crop top, blue denim jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. I let my hair loose but kept a scrunchie handy just in case.

I descended the stairs and entered the kitchen to find my mom flipping pancakes on the griddle, the sweet aroma filling the air. My father sat at the table, engrossed in the morning newspaper, sipping his cup of coffee. I approached my mom and asked, "Do you need any help, Mom?"

"Yes, can you set the plates for breakfast?" my mom answered.

"Sure, Mom," I chirped and took out the plates, arranging them neatly on the dining table. Mom brought a heap of pancakes and served us, their golden edges glistening with syrup.

I received a text from Sarah: 'Reaching in 5, save me some breakfast lol'.

"Sarah is coming for breakfast," I informed my parents as I stood up and placed my dish in the sink. "I'll make some more for her."

As I prepared extra pancakes, the doorbell rang, signaling Sarah's arrival.

"I will go get it", my father replied. He went to open the door and in 5 seconds Sarah rushes in the kitchen. She was wearing a cute light yellow sundress with a denim jacket and white sneakers.

"I'm hungry, I want food!" she groaned, plopping down at the table.

"Geez Sarah, can't you learn how to make your own breakfast", I chuckled.

"My mom left super early on my shift and my dad had to leave for a business trip today so..", she shrugged as she sat down to eat.

After our breakfast, it was time for us to leave for Cedar Valley. Sarah was driving us to the university since I don't have a car and a license both. We get inside the car and leave. 


Arriving at the main gate of Cedar Valley Academy, I was filled with awe. The tall, majestic trees and lush green lawns created a picturesque scene, with the university building standing proudly at the center. It was a dream come true to be here. 

Sarah parked her Ford in the parking lot which was luckily not that crowded.

"Are you ready for this?", she grinned.

"You have no idea how much I am ready for this", I winked.

 We spotted students scattered around the parking lot, some near the pillars of the university building and others seated on the lawns, engaged in lively conversation. Entering the building, we followed the signs leading to the seminar hall. The corridors seemed vast, almost labyrinthine, hinting at the scale of the university. Eventually, we stumbled upon a door marked 'Seminar Hall'. With Sarah leading the way, we pushed it open, revealing a sea of students already gathered for the orientation.

"Holy crap", she muttered.

"Shush", I shushed her, "Now come and find some seats for us".

We spotted a couple of empty seats right in the middle row and squeezed our way through, throwing out a few "excuse me's" along the way. Finally settling down, we glanced around, taking in the buzz of anticipation in the room as we waited for the orientation to kick off.

"Hey, Sarah!" a voice called from the back of our seats. "What a surprise!"

We turned our heads to see Josh, a guy from our previous school. He was on the soccer team, and Sarah had always harbored a huge crush on him.

"Hey Josh, so good to see you here," Sarah blushed, her voice betraying her excitement.

"Oh, hey Emily," he acknowledged my presence with a nod. "Looks like a lot of our former classmates have joined this university."

"Nice to meet you," I continued, trying to keep my tone casual. "Who else from our old school has joined?"

"Cassandra, Jennifer, Thomas, Lynn, Joshua, and Matt," he replied casually. At the mention of Matt's name, I couldn't help but shudder involuntarily. Sarah, noticing my sudden change in demeanor, asked with concern.

"Matt as in Matthew King?"

"Yeah", he saw my face and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I replied, trying to mask my unease. Sensing his concern, I nodded and forced a smile. "I'm alright, just a bit surprised to hear about Matt."

"I am surprised as well," he continued, "Then I heard his parents donated a huge sum of money as charity to this university."

So, he was using his money power here as well. In our previous school, his father was the trustee. I just hope I don't bump into him anywhere or end up in any of his classes. Suddenly, someone on the mic commanded us.

"Students, please be seated, the orientation is about to start," came the announcement, prompting everyone to shuffle and find their seats.

"Where are they now?", Sarah asked, referring about our former classmates.

"They're all sitting in the back seats," he answered, his voice carrying over the murmurs of the crowd.

I didn't dare to look around to see where he was sitting right now because all I could think about was that he was in the same room as me.

"Hello students," the Chancellor, Olivia Martinez, announced, her authoritative voice resonating in the hall. "Welcome to Cedar Valley Academy, where endless possibilities await. As your Chancellor, I am delighted to greet you all and guide you on this exciting journey."

"As you embark on this journey, remember to embrace every opportunity for growth and learning," she continued, her words infused with warmth and encouragement. "Our community is diverse, filled with individuals who will inspire and challenge you to reach new heights."

"Throughout your time here, our dedicated faculty and staff will support you every step of the way," Olivia emphasized, her gaze sweeping across the attentive audience. "Together, we will create a nurturing environment where you can thrive academically and personally."

"In closing, I want to congratulate each of you on choosing Cedar Valley Academy," she concluded, a smile gracing her lips. "Your journey starts now, and I have no doubt that you will make the most of it. Welcome, and may your time here be filled with success and fulfillment."

As the Chancellor delivered her welcome speech, Emily was completely engrossed, hanging onto every word. Unbeknownst to her, Matt's gaze had been fixed on her from the moment she entered the seminar hall. He had orchestrated his enrollment at the university, leveraging his father's influence, all with the singular goal of being close to Emily and, in his mind, claiming her as his own.

Word count: 1086 words

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