Chapter 05

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"How do you know?" Sarah asked, frowning.

"We know him better than you do," the other guy said. "I'm Kyle, and this is Christian," he added, nodding toward the first guy. "We're Josh's cousins."

"Jackie's always been after him, and he politely declines her every time," Christian continued. "She never gets the hint."

"Now what do we do?" I asked.

"We wait," Kyle said, shrugging. "He'll be back soon. In the meantime, let's grab some soda and find a spot to chill."

"Which school do you guys go to?" I asked, hoping to reduce the tension and divert Sarah's mind from the awkward situation.

"He goes to Yorkshire High and I go to Cedar Valley," Christian answered.

All of a sudden, Josh arrived in front of us with a sad smile. "Sorry, girls, Jackie is too much," he sighed.

"No shit," Kyle muttered, making us all laugh.

Sarah sheepishly chimed in, "It's alright."

"Let me show you around," Josh said, scratching his head.

We followed Josh as he led us around the backyard, pointing out various features like the swimming pool, the outdoor seating areas, and the small gazebo tucked away in a corner.

"It's a pretty cool setup," Sarah remarked, impressed by the layout of the backyard.

"Yeah, it's definitely a nice place to hang out," I agreed, taking in the serene atmosphere and the twinkling lights illuminating the space.

As I glanced at the gazebo again, I locked eyes with a pair of intense raven-black eyes. Instantly, I felt a wave of tension wash over me, making me stiffen. It was him—Matt. And he didn't seem pleased with the company I was keeping. He stood there with his two friends from the university, clad in an all-black outfit that only added to his intimidating presence.

My mouth went dry as I struggled to tear my gaze away from his piercing stare. Despite the festive atmosphere around us, his presence seemed to cast a shadow over everything, sending a chill down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was brewing, and I braced myself for whatever might come next.

"I'll be back, guys," I announced, forcing a casual tone despite the unease creeping over me. "Just need to grab a refill." I gestured to my empty cup, hoping to make a quick exit without drawing too much attention to the tension in the air.

"See you in a bit," they replied in unison, their voices barely audible over the din of the party. With a quick nod, I excused myself, eager to put some distance between myself and the intense atmosphere surrounding Matt and his friends.

As I made my way to the kitchen, hoping to find a moment of respite from the tension, I accidentally stumbled upon a girl in the crowded room. Bracing myself for potential insults or annoyance, I was surprised when she simply flashed me a warm smile.

"Oh my god, are you alright? Are you hurt?" she asked, her voice full of concern.

"No, I am good", I reply, "I should ask you the same".

She laughed. "I'm alright, it happens in situations like these," she said. "I'm Rosaline, but you can call me Rose for short."

"My name is Emily," I introduced myself, smiling. "Nice to meet you, Rosaline."

"Where do you go to?" Rose asked.

"I go to Cedar Valley Academy," I replied.

"Me too!" she exclaimed. "I'm in the third year."

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