Chapter 04

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Next day:

Leaning against the lockers, Sarah was on a roll, recounting her morning lecture with all the passion of a storyteller. Her hands were flying all over the place, emphasizing the juicy bits like a seasoned performer. I couldn't help but listen intently, nodding along or chiming in with my own thoughts whenever I felt like I had something worthwhile to add. Lunchtime rolled around, and I realized I only had one more lecture to endure before the day was over. Glancing around the bustling cafeteria, I couldn't spot Matt anywhere, and I silently hoped it would stay that way.

"Come on, let's go for lunch", Sarah chimed in.

I nodded in agreement, and together we made our way to the cafeteria for lunch. Joining the line, we patiently waited our turn to grab our meals. Once we had our trays in hand, we found seats near the front of the cafeteria buffet line, eager to enjoy our meal together.

"Have you planned anything to wear this weekend?", Sarah asked, while drinking water.

"I have a beige mini dress or I could show up in a crop top and skinny jeans," I shrugged, considering my options. "What about you?"

"Same crop top and jeans", she continued, "I agree being casual for our first party".

"I couldn't agree more", I grinned, didn't want to wear my beige outfit so soon.

I saw Josh was in the cafeteria line with a tray in his hand. I gave him a smile and waved, "Hey Josh".

"Oh hey Emily and Sarah", he waved back, "I will join you in a bit".

Sarah composed herself and waited for Josh to arrive. 

"So how did your classes go?", Josh asks as his settles down next to Sarah, while a tint of blush covers her cheeks.

"It went good", we say in unison.

"How did your day go?", Sarah asks.

"Likewise", he replies.

We chatted a bit more until the bell rang, signaling that the recess was over. I glanced at my schedule and realized my last lecture was in room 118, which was quite a trek from the cafeteria. With a sigh, I swung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my now empty tray, ready to head to my next class.

"Okay Sarah, I will see you at the parking lot", I informed her.

"Sure boo", she replied.

As the lunch break had ended, the corridors were already bustling with people eager to make it to their next class on time. Dodging through the crowd, I hurried along, determined not to be late for my lecture in room 118. To my dismay, despite my efforts to navigate through the crowded corridors, I couldn't reach the classroom in time. As I reached the classroom, I peered through the doorway to see the professor already engrossed in teaching the students.

"May I come in sir?", I asked the professor.

He cast a bored yet serious gaze in my direction. "First day of class and yet you're late," he remarked sternly. "I do not tolerate latecomers in my class."

"Come inside and take a seat besides Mr. King", his gaze still on me.

As he mentioned the name King, a shiver ran down my spine. Already facing the professor's ire for being late, the prospect of having to sit beside Matt made it clear that my day was definitely not going in the right direction. I look around the classroom, to see where he was sitting.

"He's sitting at the back bench," the professor stated firmly. "Now, don't waste my time. Get going," he concluded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

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