Chapter 06

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Monday arrived and I was ready for my classes. I was waiting in the living room for Sarah to arrive so we could leave for our university. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. I checked my phone for any messages from Sarah and glanced at my reflection in the hallway mirror, adjusting my hair one last time.

A few minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of Sarah's car pulling into the driveway. Grabbing my bag, I hurried to the door, eager to start the day.

"Good morning!" Sarah called out cheerfully as I stepped outside.

"Morning," I replied with a smile. "Ready for another day?"

"Absolutely," she said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Let's get going."

We got into the car and headed to Cedar Valley Academy. The drive was filled with light chatter about the weekend's events and our hopes for the upcoming week.

"I hope we don't run into Matt today," I said, trying to keep my tone casual.

Sarah gave me a sympathetic look. "Just stick with me and Josh. We'll make sure he doesn't bother you."

As we pulled into the university parking lot, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the day ahead. The campus was bustling with activity, students hurrying to their classes, chatting in groups, or grabbing a quick coffee from the nearby café.

Our first class was English Literature, a subject I enjoyed but was also a little nervous about. We found our seats and settled in, the room filling with the murmurs of students catching up after the weekend.

The professor, a tall woman with a kind smile, entered the room and immediately commanded our attention. "Good morning, everyone. I hope you had a good weekend. Let's dive into today's topic, shall we?"

The lecture was engaging, and I found myself absorbed in the discussion. Sarah and I exchanged notes and whispered comments, making the class fly by.

During the short break, we headed to the cafeteria to grab a quick snack. As we stood in line, I spotted Josh waving at us from across the room. We made our way over to him, finding a spot at a table near the window.

"How's your morning been?" Josh asked, his easy smile making me feel at ease.

"Good so far," I replied. "The English Lit class was interesting."

"Yeah, Professor Allen is great," he agreed. "Hey, have you guys thought about joining any clubs? There's a fair this afternoon."

Sarah's eyes lit up. "I was thinking about it. Maybe we could check it out together?"

"Sounds like a plan," I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves about the idea of joining a club.

As the break ended, we made our way to our next classes. The day went smoothly, with each lecture adding to my growing sense of familiarity with the campus and my new routine.

In the afternoon, we headed to the club fair. The main quad was alive with activity, booths set up with colorful banners and enthusiastic students promoting their clubs. There were options for everyone, from sports teams to academic societies, arts and crafts to social justice groups.

Sarah and I wandered from booth to booth, picking up flyers and chatting with club members. The energy was infectious, and I started to feel more at home in this new environment.

"Hey, look at this," Sarah said, pointing to a booth for the Creative Writing Club. "This might be perfect for you."

I picked up a flyer and read through it. The club met once a week to share writing and offer feedback, and they also organized events like poetry readings and writing workshops.

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