Chapter 08

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Focused on my finance thesis, I dedicated myself to research and writing, determined to excel academically. Despite distractions, I persevered and completed the assignment on time, feeling a sense of pride in my accomplishment.

Submitting my thesis on Tuesday was a relief, but the wait for the professor's feedback felt excruciating. Knowing that the marks would be revealed on Friday added to the anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and hopefulness as the days passed.

As Friday arrived, anticipation hung heavy in the air as the professor entered the classroom, ready to discuss our thesis submissions. The atmosphere crackled with nervous energy as we waited for the verdict on our hard work.

The professor wasted no time, diving into the discussion with a critical eye. One by one, he dissected each thesis, offering praise where it was due and constructive criticism where improvements could be made. The tension in the room mounted with each passing moment, as students anxiously awaited their turn to hear their fate.

"Now I discuss Emily Robinson's thesis", the professor started, "Emily, your analysis of the various risk factors was thorough and well-researched. Your recommendations for mitigating these risks were insightful, although I would have liked to see a deeper exploration of alternative strategies. Overall, a commendable effort."

"Thank you, Professor. I'll be sure to consider your feedback for future assignments", I said.

Next, we have Matthew King's submission. Matthew, your thesis on portfolio diversification was exemplary. Your use of statistical models to assess risk was particularly impressive, and your recommendations for optimizing investment portfolios were both innovative and practical. Well done", the professor praised Matthew's efforts.

"Thank you, Professor. I appreciate the feedback", Matthew showed his million dollar smile.

"Overall, I'm pleased with the quality of work submitted by the class. Remember, there's always room for improvement, so take these comments to heart as you continue your studies. That's all for today", Professor advised and adjourned the class.

As the class dispersed, I found myself glancing over at Matt, who was surrounded by classmates congratulating him on his achievement. Despite everything, I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for his dedication and intelligence.


"What was the professor's feedback about your thesis?", Sarah asked as she popped a strawberry in her mouth.

I sighed, "It went well. I got an A grade," I said, glancing over at the crowd gathered around Matt's table, particularly noticing the attention he was receiving from several girls.

However, his attention wasn't on the girls but on me. It felt like he wasn't just looking at me; he was trying to read my mind.

"Congratulations, Emily," Josh arrived with his tray, "I saw your thesis displayed on the university wall."

"Thanks, Josh," I smiled gratefully, relieved by his friendly presence amidst the tension.

Matt's expression shifted noticeably as Josh approached our table and sat in front of me. There was a subtle tension in the air, as if Matt had some personal vendetta against Josh.

"Come on, give us some tips so we can get an A grade as well," Sarah giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

"By the way, Matthew King scored an A+," Josh added, "His thesis is displayed right next to yours."

You could call it telepathy, because as soon as Josh mentioned his name, Matt rose from his seat and started approaching us. I kept my composure calm as he came closer, not breaking eye contact.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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