9 || confessions

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Mateo ⋆。°✩

I kissed her. Without warning. Without permission. Without ever deciding to do it, but simply because i couldn't have done anything else.

I gazed into her deep green eyes as we both withdrew from the kiss, but i wanted more.

More than simple glances, brushes of arms and legs, and the pointless nonstop flirting.

I wanted to taste her lips even more, and her neck, and her cheeks and everything. I so desperately needed to run my fingers through her hair and sense the love pulsating between us.

"Kiss me." she whispered and that's all it took for me to pull her in again for another deep kiss.

After what seemed like hours of kissing, she laid her forehead against mine. I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and she rested her head on my shoulder, a real grin that seemed hard to erase appeared on her face.

My body has never felt as warm as it did when she touched me.

It felt like being a kid, falling asleep in the car and having my mom carry me to bed, or crying and my puppy licking my tears off of my face, whatever feeling this was i wish it would last forever as i gazed up at the dark sky.

Is this what i've been searching for?

Because of her, i can now sleep through the night without experiencing endless nightmares every time i let my body rest. I dream of her. She's the reason i have the tiniest glimmer of hope in my life. I really can't bring myself to pretend like i hate her, as much as that would be the best for both of us, for some stupid reason, i can't.

I rested my head on top of hers and muttered, "I dream of you. All i do is dream of you."

"You've got something so beautiful inside of you. It's hard for some people to tell, but it's there" she mumbled.

"I just..adore you." she continued and my body relaxed in her presence.

"I genuinely don't know why, but my brain goes blank when i look at you. I think i'm going a little crazy." I chuckled. I really don't know.

She glanced at me, and i was struck by how gorgeous she was, despite having messy hair, black mascara running under her eyes and misplaced lipstick.

I placed my hand on her chin and lifted her head to clean up the lipstick on the sides of her naturally pink lips.


Emmalyn ⋆。°✩

I realised my bedroom lights were on when Mateo dropped me off at my house. Had i forgotten to turn them off?

After i was safely inside my house, Mateo drove off. I excepted my dad to be at work but he was standing right there, with Mark by his side, both of them holding and inhaling cigarettes from their hands.

I was terrified.

When i last saw Mark, it must have been one of the worst beatings i've ever gotten.

He's worse than dad.

I remained motionless, my body trembling with horror as the awful memories entered my mind. I knew it was going to be bad.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Mark asked with a grin as he slowly approached me. He was much taller than i was, so he was easily able to lift my chin and he forced me to look directly into his black eyes.

He looked at me, his eyes so full of hatred towards me that i thought he was going to kill me right then and there.

He ran his fingers down my stomach, making my whole body tense up to his touch. I felt sick.

"Please stop." i pleaded, too paralysed with fear to move, and his grin widened.

His hand flew off of me and immediately after, it landed on me again, punching me in the stomach.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as i flew back, hitting my back against the wall behind me.

I couldn't cry in front of him. I won't give him the satisfaction of watching me suffer.

I tried to hold myself for a little longer, glancing back at my father in attempt to make him feel a little empathy and get me away from Mark. Instead, i saw him undoing his belt and adjusting it with his hand while a sickly smile crept up his face.

I know what was going to happen, so i tried to prepare myself and gather up enough strength to handle the amount of pain these two men were about to inflict on me.

There's nothing left for me to do.

I wish i could talk about my abuse with Melina, or maybe Mateo but i simply can't.

Telling them would only result in being seen and treated as a weak, unstable, poor girl who needs to be deeply taken care of. But i'm strong, not many people would be able to handle the mental problems this situation has given me, in addition to the physical suffering i'm going through from the person who should be my best friend.

I don't want to be seen as weak.

As i heard his heavy footsteps coming towards me, i dropped to my knees on the chilly ground, and there it was.

I cried out in pain as the belt hit hard against my back, he repeatedly struck me with his belt, causing so much pain that travelled through my whole body, making me unable to move or scream for any longer.

"You're worthless."

"She died because of you."

"No one will ever want you."

"Scream all you want. Nobody's going to hear you."

When i thought they were done, Mark grabbed me by my hair and pulled me upwards, slamming my head against the wall and kicking my stomach with his right leg.

"Oh i'm sorry, does this hurt?" Mark pouted and repeatedly continued.

I couldn't speak after letting out such horrifying screams while being beaten.

They both got up and stared disgustedly at my lifeless-looking body, i was unable to move and was left crying on the cold ground. My body was leaking blood and i sincerely hoped that no other person would experience the several weakness and dizziness i was experiencing.

"Why are you doing this to me?" i managed to murmur.

"You are a murder." my father's answer was quick, he spit on me and walked outside the house with Mark at his side.

I was abandoned once more, crying and my body aching along with shivers running down my spine.


A/N: word count: 1100

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