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Mani's POV


"Did you get it?" Skii asked egarly as I walked over to him.

I pulled a bag with white powder out of my pocket, along with some dollar bills. Alli smiled widely.

"Hell yeah! We going to the field?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's where I left the needles." Skii said, and I put the cocaine back into my pocket.

We walked down the street with cigarettes in our fingers, telling jokes.

"So, where'd you find the cocoa? I heard your dealer fled..." Alli asked.

I lit another cigarette. "Got a new one, just moved here from San Francisco. He's way cheaper."

"Cool. Next time you should pick up some -" Alli stopped talking mid-sentence and tugged on my jacket. "Cute boy alert, 3 o'clock,"

I looked up, and saw a group of boys, all around my height, maybe a little taller, walking our way.

"Hey cutie, you and your friends want to come with us? We're going to go smoke stuff," The shortest said. He was looking at Alli, who was looking at me, as if asking, 'Can we go?' I nodded.

"We'd love too. I'm Alli by the way. That's Mani and Skii." She pointed at us, and we waved.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Calum, he's Ashton, That's Luke, and the one staring at Mani is Michael." Calum said, and Michael and I blushed.

"I got something special," Luke said as the new group of us made our way to the field. He pulled out brownies.

"Weed brownies. I used hell of it, so be careful!" He giggled, and we each took one. Exept for Michael.

"You aren't going to eat one of these?" I asked before taking a bite.

"Just a nibble of that could kill you," He whispered, and stared at his shoes.

"That's kind of the point. Waste our horrible lives." I replied, and put the brownie down. "Damn, Luke learn how to cook. That smells like dick, and not in a good way."

"I think I'll stick to my cocaine." Skii said, and the boy Ashton aggreed.

"Wait, who got cocaine?" Calum said, and I waved.

"Me," I replied.

"I've never actually had cocaine. Exciting!" Calum said, and took another bite of his brownie.

We turned a corner and jumped through a bush.

"So, we have heroin, cocaine, ectacy, weed, and...Mani, what is this?" Alli said, and picked up a bottle containing a drug I had specially made.

"Umm...I don't know. I'll test it out before anyone else tries it," I replied, and snached the bottle.

"Michael, come with me. Now," I whispered, and walked around the corner.

"What?" He said as soon as we were out of site and hearing range.

"In this bottle is the future of drugs. Makes no effect on the brain or organs, but on your vision. Everything looks bright and cheerful, like how children see the world. I want you to put your problems behind you, and swallow this." I said, and pulled out a pink pill.

"Are you sure it's safe?" He asked.

"I studied medicine from the time I was thirteen to when I was nineteen. Trust me." I said, and he took the pill.

"Bottoms up," I said, and we both swallowed.

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