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Michael's POV

We walked around the dirty streets of LA, slowly making our way to my apartment.

"So, I like your hair," I said, and looked at the fringed bangs of her blue hair, which covered most of her forehead, and currently one of her eyes.

"Thanks, your's isn't so bad itself, kinda reminds me of Gerard Way's in a way," She giggled, and ran her long bony fingers through my jet black hair.

"I had it dyed red, just like his was for a while," I explained, and noticed that Mani was only a few inches shorter than me.

"I never noticed how tall you are!" I laughed, and looked at her extremely long limbs.

"Yup, my dad was 6'6, and my mom 5'11. I'm around 6 foot. If I was athletic, I'd be perfect for basketball," Mani laughed, and took out a cigarette, omly to put it back imto her pocket.

"What was that about?" I asked, for in the one day I've known Mani, I've learnt that she doesn't give two shits about life.

She looked at me, around the street, at her shoes, mouthed something I worked out to be 'NO' and threw the pack of cigarettes on the ground. "I...I don't know...I feel independent without it..." She looked extremely taken back by her own actions. I decided to sgrug it off, and she seemed to do the same.

"There's the apartment, just up ahead," I said, and pointed to the building at the end of the street.

Mani's POV

"You live there??" I asked, and stared at the large apartment complex we were nearing.

"Yeah, nice huh? Ashton and I bought a penthouse a few years back, in our senior year of high school. We took all of our graduation money to pay for it, plus I had to sell a watch," He said, grabbed my hand, and ran up the stairs to the complex.

"The neighbors are crazy. If they see I'm with a girl, they'll try to stab us. Don't ask me why, but last time I had my sister over, they ran out with knives and screamed 'GET AWAY EVIL SPIRITS' or some shit," He nervously said and unlocked his apartment door.

"Oh. Okay then..." I giggled and Michael opened the door for me.

"M'lady," He joked, and ushered me inside the huge penthouse.

I stepped inside, and my jaw dropped. The whole front room was covered in band posters and leather seating. A huge Pete Wentz stand-up was taped to the wall in the corner, and a huge light hung from the open second floor celing. A grand staircase led to a second floor, and a open arch leading to a kitchen. A large window looked out at the large city we call our home.

"I. LOVE. THIS. HOUSE." I said flatly. I was astounded. I thought Skii's apartment was cool, but it didn't even come close to this.

"Thanks," Michael blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, we can have some dinner, and play a late night game Twister, and we can find a place for you to sleep," Michael smiled.

"Sounds perfect. What's for dinmer?" I asked and we walked into his kitchen, which was painted red and decorated with glass counter tops and leather bar stools.

"Well, we can make pancakes if you want," He suggested.

"I love pancakes!" I chirped, Michael grabbed a bowl to mix the batter. I searched through his collection of cookbooks for a good pancake recipe.

"Okay, the recipe call for flour, milk, eggs, baking powder, and vannilla. Food colouring is optional if you have any," I said, and I felt strong arms being wrapped around me. I looked up to see Michael's green eyes flickering down at me.

Bands, drugs, sex. Never get into a relationship, never fall in love. That's how we live our life, okay??

No. I can't keep living like this.

Michael just wants a good bang. He doesn't really like you, why should he??

"Shut...up," I whispered.

"What?" Michael asked, concerned.

"I...umm...where's the bathroom??" I asked. Excuses

"Down the hall, first door on your right," Michael said, and gave me a quick peck on the lips before releasing his grip on me.

As soon as I was in the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I bet your mother committed suicide to get away from you

"Stop...stop..." I shut my eyes tightly.

And your father crashed that car on purpose, because he was sick of you

"No...STOP SAYING THAT!" I feel to the ground, my hands covering my ears. "LEAVE ME ALONE"

Those drugs were just an escape from your horrible life. Alli never really wanted to be your friend, and Skii never liked you in the first place

"FUCKING QUIT IT" I screamed, and saw an extra razor blade in the shower.

Thats right...cut up your ugly skin. Nobody wants you anyways

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" I balled up fists only to realize I had grabbed the blade and was cutting my hand open.

Well, I guess that's ome way to cut. Stupid fucking klutz

"FUCK YOU!!" I screamed, and threw the blade.

"Mani! What's going on in there?" I heard Michael bangimg on the door, but was too weak to get up.

He doesn't care, he just wants to make sure you don't ruin his sterling sink. Shit's expensive, you know

I started to hyperventilate, and everything went black.

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