Haunted House + Mall

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Jiseok messaged Jooyeon, "Let's go out. I'm bored." Ok messaged Jooyeon, "Let's go out. I'm bored."

Jooyeon replied, "Sure."

Jiseok replied, "You know, we needed some break since both of us are cooped up at work, then straight home after, honestly, we haven't gone out for ages."

Jooyeon replied, "That's true, though. Let's go out."

Jiseok explained that they both needed a break because they had been working long hours and going straight home without any time for socializing or going out for a long time. Jooyeon agreed, acknowledging the validity of the statement.

Jooyeon replied, "That's true, though. Let's go out."

Jiseok replied, "I'll just drag you somewhere."

Jooyeon replied, "Where are we even going? "

Jiseok chuckled mischievously before responding, "It's a secret, hahahaha."

Throughout the duration of the journey, Jooyeon persistently inquired about the destination with Jiseok, who kept it a mystery. After a short while, they reached the venue, and Jooyeon, upon realizing where they were, let out a loud scream and shot Jiseok a disapproving look.

"We're going to love it here," Jiseok replied, smirking at his best friend.

"You're so evil, Jiseok," Jooyeon replied, glaring at his friend.

Jooyeon expressed frustration on Twitter by stating that he did not request or desire the current situation he is in. "I didn't ask for this." This was followed by an upside-down smiley emoji to convey a sense of irony or sarcasm.

As they entered the haunted house, Jooyeon was already holding onto Jiseok tightly, showing just how scared he was. Jiseok, on the other hand, couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's fear, even though he was feeling a bit scared himself.

As they continued to explore the haunted house, the two of them couldn't help but let out screams every now and then. Jooyeon let out a piercing scream as he was forcefully pulled into the room by an unseen force. His heart raced as he laid eyes on the ghostly figure before him, questioning why he had been brought into this terrifying situation.

"I saw your wish list, and I just accompanied you here," Jiseok said, laughing at his friend.

Jooyeon pondered, "When did I pen those words?" He was puzzled by the unfamiliar writing and couldn't recall the moment he had put it down on paper.

Jiseok explained that the activity was reminiscent of a bucket list he had with his ex, but he found it so intriguing that he couldn't resist bringing Jooyeon along. "It's more like your bucket list with your ex, but then since this is interesting, I had to drag you here." Jooyeon, feeling resigned, let out a heavy sigh.

Following their visit to the spooky haunted house, they decided to grab a bite to eat for lunch.

"That place was really scary," Jooyeon said after eating his burger.

Jiseok playfully taunted Jooyeon, surprised to discover his hidden fearfulness and teasingly remarking that his previously admired cool demeanor had evaporated. He couldn't resist poking his cheeks as he continued to tease him.

"Let's not go back there." Jooyeon puffed his cheeks.

Jiseok took to Twitter to share a hilarious moment, exclaiming that Jooyeon's once-cool image has now been replaced with a humorous one. "His cool image is gone, hahahahah." The tweet includes a photo of Jooyeon looking like a meme, causing laughter and amusement among their followers.

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