一: Chapter One

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(Omg, I'm so sorry you all have to deal with me as a writer 😭😭😭 I'm so disappointing— my English teacher lied!!)

(Chapter Summary: Luffy reminiscing forgotten memories and being Emo, Kassandra and Jun having the same thoughts on different people and Asher singing a lullaby in French to Luffy)

Luffy slowly opened his eyes, taking in the darkness of the bedroom. He felt his boyfriend, Law's hand on his, reassuring him of his presence. The feeling of being alone has always been a source of discomfort for him, but the gentle touch of Law's hand eased his worries.

In the shared room, Sera yawned and shifted in her bed, while Kassandra slept soundly. The loud snores of Asher and Zack could be heard in the background. Sera called out to Luffy, asking if he was awake.

"Captain...?" Sera yawned and slight shuffling is heard from her shared bed with Kassandra, "...Are you awake, Lu?" Luffy took his time to reply, lost in his thoughts. Sera grumbled playfully before going back to sleep. 'Dumb captains making their crew worry about 'em"

Luffy sighed and closed his eyes.


Luffy doesn't remember much about his time in his homeland, Brazil nor does he remember his mom's island, Japan. He remembers the fact his biological parents drove up and down to the borders of North America and took multiple plane rides to Japan but that's it. He felt overwhelmed. At the time, he only knew how to speak Brazilian Spanish and Japanese— his reading and writing skills were decent but he often couldn't remember the kanji or the right noun when reading or writing. Speaking he excelled.

They told him to wait. Wait by the street or something... wherever it was, Luffy can't remember. Over time, he learned a lot of his English on the streets and from passing by kids watching Sesame Street on the loudest volume their iPads could play.

He remembered walking around the orphanage for a few months before getting tossed from foster home to foster home. Some were good; most were bad.

And Shanks? Luffy once thought of him as his saviour but it's bittersweet on the Brazilian-Japanese boy's end now.

'I don't hate Shanks." He said to his crew. His Nakama. His found-family. "I just hate he never, really, cared..."

Families suck sometimes. His crew knew that fact all too well.


Luffy's eyes felt wet. Swollen and red, too. He felt like shit, he couldn't forget what Kassandra said when they were alone, in pyjamas and watching re-runs of Brooklyn nine-nine that evening. Kassandra's words from earlier in the day echo in his mind, and he can't shake them off. He remembers her telling him that Shanks could've been better, more involved in his life.


Kassandra sighed, grabbing the remote and pausing the episode as she stared into his eyes and soul. "You know, Shanks could've been better. More caring. More involved in your life instead of just Uta, Sabo and Ace."

"But he was good, no?" Luffy softly said, his eyes cutting to his lap. Why was she saying this all of a sudden?

His sister didn't reply. Her eyes bore into his soul before she sighed and turned her gaze away, pushing the hair out his face before she pecked a gentle kiss on his forehead. "You know I love you? Right? The rest of the crew loves you too."

"I know, but..."

"Luffy, we took it personally because we'd never do that to you."— she let her hand go—"So, remember: We love you."

He smiled softly, "Thanks, Sis."

"No problem, Bro." She smiled and slid closer together as thry continued watching the episode.


"Luffy, what are you doing up so late?" Jun asked. He was surprised to see Luffy still awake. Luffy let out a yawn and grinned widely as Jun placed him on a table and served him a plate of delicious fried rice and chicken. Jun knew that Luffy always headed straight to the kitchen as soon as he woke up.

Luffy hummed as he glanced at the shirtless boy he grew up with. "It's good. Better than what Shanks made once."

Jun snorted and made himself a plate of fried rice and chicken. "Glad to know..." He took a bite and winched, "Maybe too much pepper?"

"No, it tastes good." Luffy muttered as he slowly stuffed his face, "Kassie likes pepper. Add a bit more when you give her it."

"Noted." Jun said, with a soft smile as he slowly ate the rice, "Say, Luffy..."


"About Uta...?"

"What about her?"

Jun hummed, "Uta said she only had two brothers. Ace Akagami and Sabo Akagami..."

If Luffy was younger, he'd feel his heart sink but now, he felt numb to the Akagami name, "Yes?"

"So, why didn't she say your name? It's not exactly hard to correct herself and say 'Oh, sorry! I said it wrong, I have three brothers! And his name is Luffy!' Or something along those lines?"

"Well, Uta wouldn't want me ruining her perfect idol image—" Luffy said before getting cut off.

"Stop." Jun sighed, "ruining her idol image? Uta has specifically shouted out her family. Ace, Sabo, Shanks— hell, even their and her friends! But not you?" Luffy said nothing. "Luffy. Nika." Jun softly said, placing his palm over Luffy's hand, wiping over it with his thumb, "Listen. Family doesn't forget each other. Never."

Luffy nodded before smiling, "O-oh! I know that's why you all are my family!"

"That's so sweet, Captain." Jun chuckled.

Luffy didn't reply—instead continuing to eat before finishing, "Thanks for the meal." He muttered before walking over to the sink with his plate.

"Wait." Jun softly said. The taller softly held Luffy's wrist as he held up his empty plate, "I'll wash them." Jun placed his plate in the sink and shooed Luffy away but not without a hug, "I have a shift at Mr. Zeff's restaurant, the Baratie, today," He said, "I won't be back until late."

Luffy hummed and nodded before snuggling up next to Asher, accidentally waking the blonde up.

"Ughhhh, Lu? What's up?" Asher yawned.

"It's cold." Luffy shivered, "Torao's hands are even colder."

"M'kay... c'mon in." The blond yawned again, wrapping a blanket around Luffy and both of them lay together with a snoring Zack.

"Hey, Ash...?"


"Can you sing a song, please?"

"I dunno... I'm not that good at singing."

"Humming will do, just some type of music..."

"Fine. Uhm..." Asher clicked his tongue before humming—he sang softly, running his hand through Luffy's locks. His captain fell asleep before the second verse. Asher sighed with a smile and fell back with Luffy in his arms. Hopefully, Law wouldn't kill him...

Asher sweat-dropped at the idea before deciding anything was worth knowing his captain was safe and he went back to snoring once more.

You've Made Your Bed, Now Cry In It (discontinued on here until further notice)Where stories live. Discover now