六: Chapter Six

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Luffy sighed, rubbing his eyes when he woke up to now sound of four people from downstairs instead of the normal silence or his crew. he cursed himself, did they really have to come back? Now? And during summer break?

He was already exhausted and tired enough to just fall back asleep. He closed his eyes again but that didn't stop the ringing from his alarm. he groaned, getting up to turn it off. It was too early for this shit. he yawned again and walked down the stairs, only for his blood to freeze in his veins when the scene greeted him.

Shanks was holding a spatula out of nowhere like he thought he could catch something in the air with that, there were eggs over the counter, Uta and Sabo was scolding him and Ace was on his phone— Luffy cursed as he grabbed his coatnand ran out the door, almost tripping on his way out and ignoring the others calling after him.

He reached out the door and saw Sera and Zack in the Russian's car. Sera glanced at Luffy as he got into the vehicle before turning her attention back to whatever the fuck Zack was doing. "So, I told you about my brother last week right," Sera asked.

Zack nodded as he turned around, "Yeah, sure, I remember."

Luffy sat silently through their short conversation until Sera was done talking. "You guys know where Ash is?"

Sera smirked, "Sure do. He's still in bed, we tried waking him up but all we get is mumbling and complaining about not being a fucking zombie."

Luffy frowned, "Ash is sick? What the hell happened to him?"

"He had his head hit pretty hard. Apparently there were some bruises too, and he had another nosebleed too.  Some doctor thinks he might be suffering from a concussion. So the poor guy has been hospitalized since yesterday."

"Oh. That's good." Luffy said softly.


"That doesn't look good," Jun commented as he stared at the dead duck Law got him.

"Be grateful imgot it for you, then." Law said without looking at him.

Jun smiled sheepishly and put it in the bag next to him, sitting next to Law. He opened the bag, noticing the small plastic bag inside. "You got me flowers?"

Law shrugged, "it's for Luffy."

"What? is it his birthday today or..." Jun looked at Law with deadly eyes, "his funeral?"

He scoffed, "No, the Akagami's are back, so i'm giving him my condolences—shitty family and all."

The vietnemese laughed, "M'kay, Mr. 'Heart Breaker'."

"Shut up," Law snapped, finally making a move and putting the groceries away. Jun chuckled to himself, watching Law go upstairs.

"Damn, who pissed in his coffee?" Kassandra asked, holding a cotton bud to Asher's bleeding nose.

the French boy whimpered, "my nose."

"Don't worry, you big baby. it'll heal." She reassured.

he sniffled, "yeah. i hope."

Kassandra patted his shoulder before moving to the fridge. She took out an orange pill bottle and a water bottle before walking over to Asher. She placed both items on the table before patting Asher again, "drink and take the pain killers."
She smiled at the teen before turning and leaving him alone once more. Asher swallowed the pills and took the water bottle. It was still cold despite the fact it was half empty. He sighed as he drank slowly, waiting for the medicine to kick in, and leaned against the wall. A few moments later his eyelids grew heavy and he fell asleep.


Luffy's head hurt like nothing else. He hissed, rubbing his head.

"Luffy?" Zack softly said, "Are you alright"

Luffy shook his head, trying to clear the foggy haze. "No... no, not really... what time is it?"

"Around eight thirty," Sera responded. "Why?"

"Fuckin'...ugh... i don't..."

"Hey, man— lie down." Zack ushered, pushing hum Luffy down on the seats— making the Brazillian-Japanese stumbled a little, falling flat. "Rest here for a bit. Your ass will thank us later."

Luffy groaned before closing his eyes, drifting into sleep once more. He barely registered the feeling of someone rubbing a thumb on his cheekbone. He let out a sigh and curled up in a ball.

When he woke up again hours later—the sun starting to shine through the kitchen window—someone's hands were gently massaging his temples. Luffy hummed slightly before opening his eyes, staring at the dark haired girl sitting in front of him, her face full of concern, even when he was in this state.

"Kassie?" he croaked.

She smiled warmly at him, placing her hand on his own. "Yeah. You're okay now, though. How do you feel?"

Luffy blinked owlishly at her before hissing through gritted teeth, "fuck... my head hurts. Can someone explain why it hurts?"

"It's a headache." Law said, "How are you feeling?"

Luffy grunted, "... I'm hungry..."

Zack laughed lightly, "We figured. We've went grocery shopping already, so whatchu want to eat?"


Zack gave him an odd look before nodding. "Gotcha." He stood up. "You should rest some more. Don't think you could make it up the stairs if I carry you."

Luffy nodded. "Alright, Zee."

"And you better listen to him, captain." Kassandra added, patting him on the cheek. "He does have a point, you know? Your body can't handle much more than that..."

Luffy grumbled and rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah—i know."

Law chuckled, standing up and ruffling Luffy's hair before going downstairs, presumably to cook breakfast. Lazy. he was always sleepy during the day—which he didn't understand because it was summer vacation. Luffy sighed and closed his eyes as he felt fingers run across his forehead. The movement stopped as suddenly as it started and a gentle kiss was pressed onto his temple. "Go back to sleep soon."

He whined in protest, but didn't bother to open his eyes. Just when he was about to close them again, he heard another one of those soft kisses landing on his cheek.

A smile grew on his lips.

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