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(Kassandra and Asher bicker and fight a lot. The crew's take on it)

Asher Blazer and Monkey D. Kassandra. A boy and a girl, both from completely different backgrounds. They're anomalies. They fight like they hate each other with a passion yet they care and love like they never punched each other or threw insults that could make sailors crumble.

Asher and Kassandra. Their names fit together. A Hebrew name that meant blessed and happy, an Ash tree; A Greek name of prophetess, a name that meant 'one who shines or excels over a man', an unheeded prophetess. Happiness and Depression go hand-in-hand.

Law knew a lot of things. From basic medical care to knowing how to operate surgery successfully with a butter knife, a stapler and a paperclip. But one thing he'll never be able to know is how Asher decided to annoy the living shit out of his boyfriend's sister, Kassandra— likewise with the brown-skinned girl.

The pretty and small pranks from when Asher and Kassandra were twelve escalated to degrading insults and genuine injuries... yet, those two stayed as thick and thieves... almost like they knew each other for millions of years and never separated...

Sera can tell you how many times Kassandra scoffed at the nickname Asher gave her, it sounded like a name for a middle-aged white woman, not a seventeen-year-old south-Asian swordswoman, which, rightfully so, infuriated the girl.

The two have stood, coated with dirt and grime, wrestling under the dewy grass more times than Sera could count. She could see Kassandra and Asher trying to kick each other, playing dirtier than the dirt they were covered in. Their yells sounded nothing more than true love for her. She'd be lying if whenever she saw them, she didn't see them redder than tomatos.

Zack sighed. He really wouldn't have a problem with them fighting, none of the others were that bothered when they knew Kassandra and Asher would go back to their version of a usual, nuclear life—but he was up to his neck with their bickering. He peers over his phone, music blasting over his headphones.

Kassandra takes a swing and has Asher by the floor— she says something but he can't hear. He kicks her inner thigh but she doesn't budge— the blonde yells and she laughs. Nothing new. Zack pressed his lips into a thin, straight line before shaking his head. Fuck that. He thought. This is gonna get good. He puts his phone down, not bothering to take off his headphones, and watches the fight with full concentration.

Jun knew they cared. Of course, they did. Every hit and blow they dished out was carefully coated in trust and worry. Anger. Yes, but hate? Never. He sees it in their moves; It's not meant to inflict hurt or damage.

He sees the hesitation clouding their minds before they strike. A kick here, a sucker punch there. No blood is meant to be shed but it was, the two don't pay much mind— to focus on trying to beat each other's ass— matching blow to blow before ending it with laughter and eyes full of trust. Trust that the other would never leave too early, Trust that the other would never have another to both love and fight.

if you told Luffy, a few years ago, that his sweeter than sugar and louder than a vacuum cleaner of a friend-turned-to-a-sister would turn out to be a tall spiteful girl who'd fought a white blonde boy any day of the week at any time, he'd laugh. He'd be rolling on the ground before catching his breath. He'd be grinning like a fool while wiping his tears. Not because he didn't think his sister couldn't fight, she did it well but the thought of her always fighting with a white blonde boy made him burst out in laughter.

But even now, watching them bicker and snipe with each other, huffing and puffing as they fought, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head in wonderment and awe. Because what could he possibly say...

He's just like us.

They're like siblings.

But you could also say
They were in love.

It's almost surreal to think about this moment. The way their personalities fit together perfectly, how well they got along...

Kassandra knew. No matter how annoying Asher was acting, no matter how much fun she would always get out of provoking him, she still loved him. Even though there would be times he could be an utter pain in the butt, she had known for a long time that they belonged together in some capacity.

So when he called her names and tried to insult her, calling her names wasn't exactly a new concept. the two were as thick as rivals-like friends could get. Every time, she yelled she could feel him trying to hide a laugh. 

Every cuss that was thrown was given back with an equal amount of sass and emotion. Asher would fire and shoot; Kassandra would slice and cut. Against each other or beside each other. They'll still bicker if it feels right.

Asher knows. He waits for her every day. He waits for her to stare at him, with tired and blank eyes and a scowl or pout on her lips. Every time she has his shirt's collar in her fists as she exclaims. He listens— he listens so greatly and so much, it's like he knows better than she knows herself. He stared at her like she knew all about the world— like she hung up the stars and moon.

In those one-sided arguments she'd have with him, he'd smile, maybe. But to laugh out loud? In front of the girl who'd kick his ass if she's getting the chance? Rarely, because he knows Kassandra would upper-cut him if he did. When she looks, he knows— even if she found someone else to fight, he'd always be hers.

It's proven by her scoffing at such a comment. Dumb Blondie. She sneered. I don't leave family— and you're part of that.

He's truly honoured to know her.

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