ch 10

33 3 0

Jack's pov
Same day as last chapter

I feel the bed move as my girlfriend gets up and leaves.  I wait until she gets out the room to shower myself, and head down stairs to make myself some food.  I grab an apple and just head out to see my "girl" friend named (Hellan).  "Hey Jack what's up with you today?".

"Nothing much just some out time away from my gf, and roommates, and boss, but that's not what we're gonna focuse on today.  I got us some tickets to the movies today." "Ohh to Jamie & Jr"-she asks.  "Yup".  "Yay come on so we can get the good seats!"

She grabs my hands and drags me to the movie theater on foot, and we buy our popcorn and show them our tickets before heading in and taking our seats.  The movie starts and everyone is quiet except the excited kid in the back.

"Jr get up it's time for school!!!"  I groan and slowly get up looking at the time seeing it say '8:56'.  I panic and run to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth, change my clothes, and put on my shoes.  I grab a nutragran bar and yell "BYE MOM WE'RE OUT!" she yells goodbye back and me and my brother Jamie nearly miss the bus.

"This is the third time this week Jr.  How many more times is this gonna happen before we really miss the bus?" (Laugh track) "Come on Jamie you can't blame me for having such a comfy bed." "I can and I will."

We soon make it to school and I head to my locker.  "Hey Jr!!!" I hear my friend call out behind me.  "Hey Tammy what's going on?" "Nothing much but I heard Katie and Jackson got broken up because Katie cheated." I gasp those two were the cutest couple in this school.

Now who's social media am I supposed to stock for my fan page.
[skip to the conflict]

"Jr what have you done!?" Jamie yells at me before I had to witness him getting stabbed in his back by one of the cheerleaders.  I fall to my knees with tears coming out of my eye, but I soon get up and run out the door.

"Where are you going darling?" one of the cheerleaders say.  I don't look back I just keep running until I reach home.  I slam the door behind me and lock myself in my room and cry.
[Skip to rising action/Climax]

Me and the group go off and start shooting at the sirens.  Blood was everywhere and screaming could be heard from miles away.  I run towards the my old school, the place I knew as my learning place where I could make friends and chill with them anytime I could, but now that's over.

I get tackled down by..."TAMMY YOU'RE A SIREN TOO!?" "Sorry I didn't tell you before sweetheart, but you would've freaked out.".  I quickly push her off before trying to shoot her repeatedly.  "Screw off!" I yell before jumping on her and shooting her in the head.
[Skip to the falling acton/resolution]

I finally made it to the gym, and see sirens surround someone it was..."Jamie..?" I see him turn around tears in his eyes as I go closer to him.

He just looks at me and we hug until he rips off my arm.  I can hear him laugh as I scream.  I look up at him "why...WHY DO ALL THIS!?  WHY HAVE PEOPLE SUFFER!?" "Oh don't take it the wrong way my dear brother it's just buisness."  I soon pass out.
[Movie ends]
Jack's pov again

I get up and stretch as the credits roll.  I shack Hellan awake.  She gets up and streches as well before we grab our trash and head out.  We throw away our trash and head outside.  The breeze on my face felt nice.  "Today was nice Jack." Hellan says before looking up at me.

I felt something when looking in her eyes.  A spark as if I was still in that warm theater but it was no longer suffocating.  Our faces came closer and we started kissing.  It felt amazing.  I held her in my arms and she started kissing my neck and shirt collar.

She held on to the back of my neck as we were now against the wall making out.  The air was hot and it felt like fireworks going through me.  We soon come apart, and I'm soon over come with guilt of having to make out with someone other them my girlfriend.

"I think it's time for me to get home before my girlfriend gets worried about me." "Really so soon?  We still have a few minutes left before it gets dark." She says.  "Yeah it takes a while to get from here back to the house." "Oh okay..." She says seeming disappointed at my response.

I walk off waving goodbye before turning around and speeding up the pace.  I make it home and head upstairs taking off my shirt and putting it in our laundry basket covering it up with other clothes.  I head to my bed and see my gf sleeping.  I just slip in with my back facing toward her only feeling shame in my heart.

Words used 894

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