part 2 ch 25

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Donny's pov

"So let me get this straight...the man who got you knocked the person I owe money to?"-Brian


"...Are you hooking up with him behind my back by any chance?"


"I know it's terrible to ask but...I just gotta know..."

"No, I'm not so don't worry about that."

"Okay good" He says sighing in relief.

"Anyway is Elias the only person you owe money to?"

"No he's not... I owe money to a whole lotta people...about 5..."

"God damn it.  How much do you owe to them?"

"Let's just say over 150,000..."

"Oh my God Damnit!"

"Look maybe we should take a're obviously getting stressed out by this when you don't need to.  Just let me handle it, it's me who owes them any way.  You just focus on you and the baby."

"Okay... I'm going to bed.  I'm tired...goodnight Brian."

"Goodnight Love..."

He hangs up and I put my phone on the charger and head to bed.


I wake up to screaming and quickly jump out of bed.  Running down stairs only to find...both of Mt roommates hugging each other for dear life while screaming.

"What in the hell are you guys screaming about?" I ask.  They both turn to me wide eyed with horror.  "It''s.."

I look at the both before going to look at the "rat".  Wasn't even a fucking rat it was a mouse the size of a 6 year olds hand.  I look back at them as if saying 'you can't be serious'.

I picked up the little mouse and put them outside.  "There, now there's nothing to be afraid of." "Yeah thanks Donny." "Jeez we need to clean this place up." Vineca says.

"Yeah we should start tomorrow.  I'll get some cleaning supplies when I get off of work." Diana says.  "Good for now let's try to see if there are anymore mice or bugs in here." I say going into the closet to grab a broom.

We move some stuff around and found some other mice, but that was it.  Other then that we just cleaned around the house.  Cleaning corners a bit so it won't be as hard to get them tomorrow.

After that was done we just watched TV for a while.  I soon have to use the bathroom so I excuse myself.  I get to the bathroom and close the door before feeling a sharp pain, but as a few minutes had pass so did it.

I shrugged it off and use the bathroom, washed my hands then left.  I go back to the livingroom and sit back on the couch, but after a while the pain came back but worse this time.  Diana noticed that I was in pain and tried to see what was wrong.

"Donny hey you okay?" "Yeah...I'm fine just my stomach tightening up..." "Oh it must be contractions."  "What's that?" Vineca asks.

"It's just something that happens when you're near labor." "WHAT!!!" "Relax it's nothing to be worried about.  It rarely means you're gonna into labor right away, but to be sure just relax." Diana explains calming me down.

We all sit back down and I soon fall asleep.  I can feel my baby moving around.  I feel happy that I'm close to giving birth.  I can't wait to finally hold them in my arms.

)(Time skip to morning)(

I wake up feeling a bit more energetic than I did yesterday.  Diana and Vineca are already up making breakfast.  I sit down and Diana puts a plate with an amulet on it infront of me.

I eat it feeling like a I've been starved and I'm finally being fed.  After breakfast we went out to get the cleaning supplies.  Once we walked through the store I felt a few pairs of eyes on me but I ignored them and kept walking.

We find buy a few things that weren't cleaning supplies, and by we I mean me.  I wanted to get some stuff for my baby since my due date is coming near.  "Donny?"

I hear my name being called and turn around to see Jack.  "Uh...oh heyyy Jack...." "Hey man how are how's the kid?" "Oh well...I'm fine and so is my baby..."

"That's how Vineca-" "How about you ask me yourself?" Vineca says startling me a bit.  "Hey Donny how about you go over there with Diana." Vineca says pointing at Diana.  I head off not wanting to get in between the two's conversation.

I keep feeling pain in my lower back and my little baby boy moving a bit down on my bladder.  I go to use the bathroom but was stopped by some guy.  "Whoa there ma'am the woman's bathroom is over there."

I stare at him for a moment before saying "Do I really look like a woman to you?".  He stares at me for a moment and then realized his mistake.

"Ohhh, I am so sorry sir.  I thought because of the big belly and long hair you were..." "A women,  I know I get that a lot now a days.  Don't worry about it."

The man moves out of the way so I can use the bathroom.  Afterwards I go back to where Diana and Vineca were but couldn't find the.  While looking for them my legs start to cramp and I started to contract again.

I manage to get outside and find a bench to rest on.  Closing my eyes and letting myseld bath in the sun which felt amazing.  It was all going well until I started to feet convolution, but this it didn't go away.


I pull my phone but drop it due to the pain.  I try to pick it up again, but someone did before me.


Anyone wanna take a good guess of who it is?  Sorry the chapter is a bit longer.

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