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Donny's pov

Today's the day I go get a check up for me and the baby. Diana says she's taking me to different hospital somewhere else and wants us to meet someone. I don't eat, but Diana says we can some food afterward, but for now I can only drink water. Once we're done getting ready we head out.

On the car ride there I fall asleep feeling tired even though I just woke up a few hours ago. I dreamed about me holding my baby. Having them in my arms in a warm yellow green room with me sitting on a rocking chair. Toys were scattered everywhere as they just slept peacefully in my arms.

It was nice and warm spring I think or maybe mid fall. I was shaken awake by Diana. "Hey sleepy head we have to get inside. Come on get up." She says. I get sit up a bit and unbuckle myself then we head inside.

"Hello my name is Diana Smith and I'm here with Donny Frantez for an ultrasound." "Ah, yes you two should go to the third floor and our nurse will come get you." "Alright thank you." Diana says to the front desk lady.

We head to the elevator and reach the third floor. We take our seats and wait a couple of minutes until someone came to get us. "Diana Smith and Donny Frantez?"a women yelled for us. She had bluish skin with it being darker near her fingers.

We get up and head in the room. "Hello my name is Dr.Alan and I will be doing your ultrasound today. So tell me why are you getting an ultrasound today?" "Because I want to know how many months I am and if everything is okay." I say quietly but loud enough for them to hear me."

"Okay so I'm going to need you to lay down and I will put this gel on your stomach." She says. I lay down and she puts this blue gel on me. It feels a bit cold. She gets ready the machine and starts. After a moment she points to the screen showing me what's going on. "Hey do you see four chambers?" Diana asks right by me. "Yes don't worry dear everything seems fine."

"The heart beat is normal right? He's not having any problems?" "Yes, he is doing fine and so is the baby. Alright so this should be the head." We turn to the screen seeing how the baby looks. I'm a bit confused by it all but still happy.

The baby seems to have a baby cow like shape with horns and a small tail. All I can really do is stair at them. How one day I'll be able to hold them in my arms and know what it's like to have them. I try not to pay attention to the fact it looks more cow then human though.

"So how many months is he?" "He should be atleadt five months. His due date should be in August on the 8th. Other then that everything seems to be just fine." "That's good to hear." Diana says taking a sigh of relief.

"Alright everything is in order would you like some pictures of your little one?" I nod. "Alright then I'll send them to you. They should be there tomorrow. Now you should come again in 15 or 18 weeks from now, please be careful and have a nice." She says.

We head out getting some thing to eat at Cc. Condels. Once we're done we head home I fall asleep on the way there.
(Time skip a few hours)

Once I wake up I find myself in a different bed. I get up and look out the window to see I'm in a motel. 'How did I get here?' I turn to see a note on the bed. ' Hey Donny sorry I didn't say anything earlier but we had to leave the house for a few hours. I'll be back in few just getting us something to eat.-Diana'

I'm just too tired at this point. I haven't been to work for awhile so I should send an email to my boss about me and the baby. I'll just come up with some lie. I flop down on the bed and just wrap the sheets around me and go back to bed.

Words used 736

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